Sunblock vs sell by date

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Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Hello CC'rs :biggrin:

Any of you bright sparks know if Sunblock goes... out of date? :smile:
I have a tube from about 3 years back (remember the scorcher that was the summer of 2006?). Wondering if it would still do the job?




Legendary Member
Long as you don't eat/drink it, I'm certain it will be fine.
I found last year's yesterday and despite the 12 month logo on it used it and it worked! Popped into Boot's today to restock and found the Nivea sun lotion on a BOGOF promotion. (this wasn't advertised so full marks to the member of staff who told me about it)


Legendary Member
Sittingduck said:
How you think I got this avatar? :bravo:

Sleeping underneath a deckchair?

On a slightly related note, my sister got bit last night and asked me for Anthesan. It was five and a half years out of date and still worked fine.


Über Member
I work outdoors, so used what was left of last years boots lotion, resulted in a bright red face, not a very good look. I went and got some new stuff and it worked a treat, factor 50.


Bird Saviour
actually THERE IS a "sell by date"

if you look on the back there should be a little symbol that looks like a pot with the lid of and next to it will be something like 12M or 18M. This means that its no good after approximately 12 months or 18 months (it might also say 24M - 24 months).

it might seem like it's working but what happens is that the stuff in it that protects you (can't remember the name of the little molecule blighters) starts to break down after this period and then it's basically like sunbathing through a collander (spelling?) (or sieve).

basically 3 years is too long.

don't be so tight, chuck it out and go and buy yourself a new bottle. it don't cost much.


Bird Saviour
Sittingduck said:
I ain't cheap Buggi (actually, come to think of it , I am)...
Looks like I need to invest in some replacement stuff :biggrin:

cheaper than plastic surgery for your wrinkles... or ... God forbid... chemotherapy.


Cycling in the sun
punkypossum said:
Apparently even within the sell-by-date period, after about 6months the spf can go down to about half of what it started of as!


I usually buy new stuff each year (I'm a freckly thing that burns easily), but continue to use the old stuff on duller days and on my legs - which don't seem to need as much protection as my shoulders/arms/face/feet etc.

And because there are always several bottles sitting around the house ... I write the year I bought it on the base so I can chuck the older stuff out.
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