Suspension seat posts???

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Get something like a specialized crosstrail. Lock out forks and can add slimmer tyres if they improve the road. Or walk to work if commute short I guess
I'm fine on my rigid 1990 Muddy Fox for now - big balloon tyres soak up a lot of bumps :smile:

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Specialized's COBL GOBL-R (cobble gobbler) suspension seat post



Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
I've got one on my Marin hybrid. I find it does help a bit and takes some of the sting out of bad roads particularly if they are rutted rather than potholed.


Only £300 for the bike, which would allow me to spend this. I've just read a few different reviews which all say it's a good bit of kit and I would have one on order now but for the fact that it won't fit my bike. My bikes is 31mm and the posts are 27mm.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Don't bother they are not worth the money you'll pay for one, I know I've been there, I have an adjustable tension one sitting in the spare parts bin, you'll be far better off buying a decent saddle with a bit of flex in it to absorb the smaller vibrations. They only come into their own if you're cycling down rutted off road cycle paths.
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