Tales from today's commute....

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Not much excitement but i can verify slippery road surfaces, Monday evening ride home took a proper stack and ate some tarmac, bit sore and grazed so took Tuesday as my rest day, back on the bike today and it was a very nice ride in, seems the weather is a bit more enjoyable.


Senior Member
Morning commute cut short by a rather nasty puncture. Piece of scrap about 2 inches long in the rear tyre. Not even the Marathon+ could stop that. Just one of those things.


Pushed the bike home then made my way sheepishly to work via public transport. Sort of works in my favour really as I'm meeting the OH and a friend in Manchester after work and wasn't too keen on locking the bike in the city centre after dark.
Great ride in, pumped the tyres up last night, makes a world of difference, plus finally fixed the creaking noise, which had made the bike sound like Dracula's coffin. On Monday it was so loud, people on the street would look to see who it was!
Got to love WD-40!!


I had the back end step out on me at speed today. Thought I had a rear puncture but the tyre is at full pressure. Roads are covered in slippery crap.
I also had this last night on a level crossing. Scared the life out of me. Will be taking it much steadier tonight


Rural Kent
Sea Level....grey..grey.. grey.. and more grey
View attachment 79531
And how many shades of grey would you say that was.....?
What was it?

Well I came to a slow stop and used the rear brake and it creaked like mad, that was the clue, cause normally as I slowed down it became silent.
So when I got home, I just squirted a small bit of WD-40 where the spokes touched each other on the rear wheel, and that was it. So as the wheel bends and flexed there were obviously rubbing.

Back to being silent! phew, I was beginning to think the frame was cracked!


Senior Member
East Yorkshire
I went to work at mid day and the roads were dry so I got the Raleigh Dyna-Tech out for a spin, did 28 mile round trip without incident. The picture was taken when I took ownership in November, it has a new saddle and seat post plus tyres now.

Raleigh Ti.JPG

Stephen C

Über Member
Less than ideal ride home, whilst enjoying the closed road (but not closed to cyclists) through Grantchester I was enjoying the corners a bit too much, dabbed the brakes and before I knew it, I was flat out on the floor. Thank you to the nice people that stopped to make sure I was on, I just have a nice bruise on my hip and a few grazes, and yes the bike is fine!

It's funny, the thing that annoyed me most was the fact that it was completely my own fault, and in the process managed to ruin what would've been a really good ride home, no wind, no rain, not too cold and the bike was running really well!
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