Tales from today's commute....

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Senior Member
Going to work experience was fine, not related to cycling but a driver suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and the veichle behind almost crashed into it but didn't as the other car driver realised and went off)
On way back from work expereince.
Car honked for no reason (DA07 GAR i somehow remmeber his lisence number. Has anyone had the same problem with that number plate?)

At a junction. a car driver said next time dont be in the middle of the road ( I was in the middle of the lane because i was going to be turning. So i take up the lane to prevent cars overtaking.) (I didn't catch is lisence plate) I just ignored him.
I passed a council truck tonight and the passenger had his window down and he was shouted excitedly to his colleague look at that light. I hope the driver didn't look too hard and dazzle himself but that said Its two lights a Volt 300 pointing down at the floor and a Volt 400 pointing to my left so it/they wouldn't be directly in his face either. The passenger would't have seen the max of it/them either but it was nice he was impressed :wacko:
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Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
After a week off on holiday and eating everything I shouldn't :blush: straight back into an early morning chilly commute. Definitely feel the difference even though it's only been a week!


Legendary Member
20km, 4am ride to work. It was cold, very cold. Thick frost and icy roads. Had to take it very steady with an average of 17kph instead of my usual 23kph. Too slow to keep really warm, even though I was layered up.

Probably my last early morning commute of the year. I live in the wilds of Denmark and so a puncture or an off on the way to work at that time of the day could prove to be quite serious.

Its not much fun when the conditions are like that anyway.
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How far can I go?
A balmy -0.5*C this morning. Quite frosty, but there didn't seem to be any icy patches. Too many layers as I was quite sweaty by the time I got to work. Very slow ride in though.


Had a week away from the bike due to achilles niggles.Nice to be back on it.Nice crisp ride home.Got home half an hour earlier than all last week.The tube and car cannot beat the bike,at least in London at rush hour.


Velo, boulot, dodo
A road has been closed on the posh estate I ride through on my way out of Watford in the morning. Because of this one road closure the streets leading to and away from it were almost traffic-free this morning. I could hear the birds singing, and even saw a deer crossing the road (they have big gardens there, we only get foxes)


Senior Member
Morning fine, Afternoon had to cycle in the dark a van kept reving it's engine aggressivly and had a close call with a car forgetting to give way and not indicating when he was about to turn.
Also saw a cyclist jump a red light :tongue:
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Slow puncture but quicker than @Supersuperleeds' one as I ended up changing it over in a pub car park.

<rant> why oh why do people think it's sensible to ride on unlit cyclepaths without any lights and even then not see cyclists with lots of lights on em until the last moment? </rant>


Senior Member
Slow puncture but quicker than @Supersuperleeds' one as I ended up changing it over in a pub car park.

<rant> why oh why do people think it's sensible to ride on unlit cyclepaths without any lights and even then not see cyclists with lots of lights on em until the last moment? </rant>
yeah i cut throught my river which is a shared path where's there hardly any lights and alot of Ducks. I see cyclists with lights who havent even turned there lights on or cyclists without lights. The way i know when to turn my lights on is. When cars swtich there headlights. Having lights on a bike is bassically like veichle headligts. Like . you wouldn't see a car or motorbike with out headlights would you?
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