Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Wet ride home too. However the new Fibrax brake pads on the brompton where fab.
My commute home proved to me some people will whinge no matter what you do. I was going down the canal path when I spied a group of 3 very old doddery people who had their back to me. So I slowed, matched their pace and tinkled my bell once and said excuse me. They parted slowly and one of them sharply told me I needed to slow down, err I was going the same speed as them going slower would have been a track stand.

Tom B

Today the run in was just one of those really unpleasant days, wet headwind, hardwork, legs wouldn't perform where the only positive was the thought of saving £ on fuel.

The run home was a rarity though as the wind stayed in the same direction instead of performing its usual 180 degree turn, and the sun came out.
Fine commute in, the forecast 15mph croswind felt like a bit of a tailwind. I felt on top of the world so gave it some beans. Got a top 6 overall on a 14 mile Strava section. Fastest in the last 2 years ( KOM set 2013) . At 60 yrs old I may be on the slippery slope but still life in the old dog yet!
NB I dont chase strava sections anymore it was just a result of being in a good mood.

On the way to work this morning. The cycleway along the right bank in the pic is being resurfaced so it's always an interesting experience finding out what I'm going to be riding along.

Also, it seems having an extinct volcano in the middle of the commute plays hob with wind direction.
Biblical weather on the way home , spent about 40 minutes in a downpour, horizontal rain at one point and then hail. Some people sheltered under bridges etc, I had a train to catch so just endured. There was a bit of comradery between us mad cyclists and joggers who stuck at it and got grinned at by a few of the hardy souls so I grinned back.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yep, also got hit by a couple of heavy downpours mixed in with bright sunshine. Pretty mad commute home.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Wow that was hard work this morning. A vert strong, blustery north wind made things very hard going. That wind was cold too. Thankfully it was dry, with a bit of sun peeking from behind the clouds. After yesterdays torrential rains, there was a heck of of flooded roads and standing water. So wet feet this morning.

Yesterdays commute home was rainy commute #12 for the year
Same period last year 6 rainy commutes.


Über Member
Decided on a chilled ride to work today, I normally wear shorts and change at work but rode in today in my jeans and coat. It was very cold so kept a decent place in the end without getting too warm.

Return leg I experimented on a few tweaks to one of my routes, a few spots of rain in the last few KM, then as I was folding the brompton, the loudest thunder crash and rain and hail starts just after, so perfect timing.
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