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Leg End Member
Taking its time then. Clear blue sky at the moment.
Repeats tomorrow morning, you're in trouble. Long, cold months ahead. Which if you don't mind, won't affect you much.


Legendary Member
Morning. Old pop group weather at the moment.........................3 degrees. Lol. Looks like a decent day ahead though.
Gets a bit cold in Germany :wacko:

That it does, we can have several weeks where the temperature never goes above freezing, in some cases never within a couple of degrees of freezing. Usually this is followed by a week or so of thaw and suddenly it's march and everyone is wearing t-shirts and shorts.

Except me, because if I wear shorts it'd frighten horses.

The cold doesn't bother me and in some ways I prefer it to summer because I'm a grumpy old pharte and prefer not to mess with people who ride their bikes but once a year and either think the best way to ride is erratically slaloming back and forth across the road while playing music at high volume, or that because they have a big fast car they are entitled to behave in the same boorish manner on a bike path as they do on the autobahn. Black ice and biting snow are simple to deal with in comparison.


Leg End Member
Good Morning :hello:
Morning. Old pop group weather at the moment.........................3 degrees. Lol. Looks like a decent day ahead though.
No Hot Chocolate?
Good morning folks. Seems to be a calm day today. :hello:
Said that yesterday
Strawberry Yoghurt today,

But I took it off the delivery wagon without waiting for it to be put in the fridge.

It's anarchy here I tell you...
Morning all :hello:
from the land Up Over or the Land o eh Peh :laugh:
Enjoy your day:okay:

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