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Senior Member
Strong ride in Zwift @Randyberlin on the neo. I was watching a Paris Roubaix re-run on TV yesterday and I thought of your Neo. Looks horrific in real life, does the Neo throw dirt in your face too? 😄


Senior Member
Question for you guys, I spotted a closed circuit race next week for Cat 4's and novices, it's just an hour and thought, maybe just maybe worth a look. So I did some sleuthing of the field in Strava and saw that the whole bunch (except 1 or two who got dropped and quit immediately) rode in a peloton till the final lap sprint (1.6km laps). The speed of the peloton wasn't quite TdF but 39.8kmph on a circuit that gives 212m elevation in that hour. This put me off, that speed feels out of range, I can regularly do 32 solo now (thanks guys!) but it seems like another level to ride at 39+, what solo speed do you think we need to hit before entering this?
Then there's the whole other matter of riding in a group, I've no idea where the yellow drafting box will be shown!!!:laugh:

Edit: key point - sleuthing of the 2019 race.
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Über Member
Near york uk
Question for you guys, I spotted a closed circuit race next week for Cat 4's and novices, it's just an hour and thought, maybe just maybe worth a look. So I did some sleuthing of the field in Strava and saw that the whole bunch (except 1 or two who got dropped and quit immediately) rode in a peloton till the final lap sprint (1.6km laps). The speed of the peloton wasn't quite TdF but 39.8kmph on a circuit that gives 212m elevation in that hour. This put me off, that speed feels out of range, I can regularly do 32 solo now (thanks guys!) but it seems like another level to ride at 39+, what solo speed do you think we need to hit before entering this?
Then there's the whole other matter of riding in a group, I've no idea where the yellow drafting box will be shown!!!:laugh:
Quite a while ago I got my racing license ( cat4) and entered a few races with my local cycling club. At that time I was pretty fit and other members encouraged me to have a go. Anyway one s up at Richmond and was a tough lumpy course. It was an eye opener as I found my perceived fitness wasn't quite as good as I thought and found myself hanging on at the back a couple of times. I did dig in and managed to get through the peloton on a steep few sections, got in a group of maybe 6 and we worked well together. Then it splintered and ended up dropping back to another group.
The cat 1 and elites set off quite a while after us and when they caught us they flew by as if we were spectators. Another level totally.
Anyway I ended up finishing in a sprint with another of our club members over the line, the cheering was great as was the nervous energy at the start. Riding in a bunch was ok though. I had ridden on the club chain gang rides so was quite used to a group, but the bigger bunch did split up so probably would on one of the rides you are looking at.
Overall though, give it a go, you won't regret it and you won't be wondering what if.
As I said though be ready for a shock with the increase in speed. Remember as well riding in a bunch does require less effort as you will be drafting at times. I think my average speed ended up around 25mph or so.
I did enjoy it and the atmosphere was great.
Sorry about the rambling


Senior Member
Quite a while ago I got my racing license ( cat4) and entered a few races with my local cycling club. At that time I was pretty fit and other members encouraged me to have a go. Anyway one s up at Richmond and was a tough lumpy course. It was an eye opener as I found my perceived fitness wasn't quite as good as I thought and found myself hanging on at the back a couple of times. I did dig in and managed to get through the peloton on a steep few sections, got in a group of maybe 6 and we worked well together. Then it splintered and ended up dropping back to another group.
The cat 1 and elites set off quite a while after us and when they caught us they flew by as if we were spectators. Another level totally.
Anyway I ended up finishing in a sprint with another of our club members over the line, the cheering was great as was the nervous energy at the start. Riding in a bunch was ok though. I had ridden on the club chain gang rides so was quite used to a group, but the bigger bunch did split up so probably would on one of the rides you are looking at.
Overall though, give it a go, you won't regret it and you won't be wondering what if.
As I said though be ready for a shock with the increase in speed. Remember as well riding in a bunch does require less effort as you will be drafting at times. I think my average speed ended up around 25mph or so.
I did enjoy it and the atmosphere was great.
Sorry about the rambling
Thanks Mark, really useful advice!
I've joined a local cycle club but for various reasons they've yet to get out as an organised group yet. There's a ride this Thursday and Sunday planned so hopefully at least one of them will happen. A couple of them seem mildly interested in that race so I'll see how the group rides go and try and encourage them to join in too, it'll be easier if we have some friendly faces there too.
25mph is awesome, that's more or less the speed these guys were going (40kmh), do you remember how fast were you going on solo rides at the time?
Strong ride in Zwift @Randyberlin on the neo. I was watching a Paris Roubaix re-run on TV yesterday and I thought of your Neo. Looks horrific in real life, does the Neo throw dirt in your face too? 😄
It is very weird. I rode some video routes on the free Tacx trial and when you hit the dirt sections it makes a slightly different vibration. I am amazed the watts are higher on the Neo. I thought it would be the opposite.


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
It is very weird. I rode some video routes on the free Tacx trial and when you hit the dirt sections it makes a slightly different vibration. I am amazed the watts are higher on the Neo. I thought it would be the opposite.

Why are you surprised? The Pros are known to calculate wrong watts, which may go both ways, and depending on a lot of factors (except actual valid measurements :laugh:). Some Pro watts in BKOOL simulator are plain stupid, and some times it carries over to other platforms as well, hence you might see a difference when on Zwift. Having a reliable/valid power meter should show you about the same watts across platforms.

My avg. watts in BSIM and Zwift are quite equal these days, with the NEO (as they should be). However on Zwift I did 1200w once on the Pro, and my current max on the NEO in Zwift is below 800w... Speed is totally non-comparable between the platforms.
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Why are you surprised? The Pros are known to calculate wrong watts, which may go both ways, and depending on a lot of factors (except actual valid measurements :laugh:). Some Pro watts in BKOOL simulator are plain stupid, and some times it carries over to other platforms as well, hence you might see a difference when on Zwift. Having a reliable/valid power meter should show you about the same watts across platforms.

My avg. watts in BSIM and Zwift are quite equal these days, with the NEO (as they should be). However on Zwift I did 1200w once on the Pro, and my current max on the NEO in Zwift is below 800w... Speed is totally non-comparable between the platforms.
Yeah. I knew the new Bkool algorithm was a rough estimate to simulate watts instead of speed. I just expected the change to be lower. I'm pleasantly surprised. By the time this fall rolls around I may be able to finish the races on the same day as the rest of you guys.
I challenged @BILL S on the Lake Simcoe route yesterday and got humiliated... My excuse was he didn't slow down for the guy crossing the road at mile 7 and almost hit him.. How rude Bill. By the way how is your back?


Senior Member
Why are you surprised? The Pros are known to calculate wrong watts, which may go both ways, and depending on a lot of factors (except actual valid measurements :laugh:). Some Pro watts in BKOOL simulator are plain stupid, and some times it carries over to other platforms as well, hence you might see a difference when on Zwift. Having a reliable/valid power meter should show you about the same watts across platforms.

My avg. watts in BSIM and Zwift are quite equal the days, with the NEO (as they should be). However on Zwift I did 1200w once on the Pro, and my current max on the NEO in Zwift is below 800w... Speed is totally non-comparable between the platforms.
It's a similar problem to what I had with my 'wheel on' Tacx Flow T2240, my watts varied from ride to ride, it was depressing to go from avg 280watts to 220watts the very next ride with the same HR. I went the route of the Wattbike as I'd tried at least 6 different ones in the gym and they are all consistently low so I knew I could trust it more. I'm really glad you got the Neo Randy and now you can see real gains which is way more motivational.


Über Member
Near york uk
Thanks Mark, really useful advice!
I've joined a local cycle club but for various reasons they've yet to get out as an organised group yet. There's a ride this Thursday and Sunday planned so hopefully at least one of them will happen. A couple of them seem mildly interested in that race so I'll see how the group rides go and try and encourage them to join in too, it'll be easier if we have some friendly faces there too.
25mph is awesome, that's more or less the speed these guys were going (40kmh), do you remember how fast were you going on solo rides at the time?
Not quite sure what sort of average speed I got on the solo rides as it was a long time ago now, but I was surprised how quick we were in a group.
I guess it would have been around 22/23 mph over an hour or two obviously depending on weather and terrain.
I do remember doing a couple of open time trials and also club 5s, 10s etc and getting well over 20. My first 2 25 mile Time trials were a 56 and a 58 minutes so I guess average speed was over 25mph. My average speed now over a not too hilly course can be around 17-19 mph if my legs are feeling ok, which is quite rare these days.

One thing that was an amazing event was an Interclub challenge rollers competition where 2 riders go against each other with a massive clock with a red and a black needle. First one to complete whatever distance goes to the next round. Average speed over that was probably in excess of 30mph as it was a short distance. We're were also held by two people to make sure we didn't come off the rollers. My mak speed was about 60mph something I couldn't do now. Gearing was a 53x12 I think. Doubt I could do it now😆 They were completed on a standard RSP Dynatech road bike with clip on tri bars. Bit of a classic bike now. One of the first gen of titanium frames I believe.
Oh claim to fame I won that competition by the way. And I was walking like a cowboy after.
I now have a dedicated Cervelo TT bike which I wish I had back then. In the process of trying to sell it now as I don't race them anymore.
I think it is part shielding with other riders and also part adrenaline when you know you have to keep going. I did seem to always find that extra bit when needed. Just make sure you are fuelled up properly before the event and nothing you haven't tried before.

I think you will be absolutely fine. You have got plenty of speed still.
What sort of course is it?
I have been trying to get in front of you on the Birdsall route and was still 3 seconds behind at the finish . I think if I beat you on that, then you would be able to go out and get first again and knock another 10-20 seconds off me.

I think if you get the guys in the club chatting you could try to get a chain gang evening organised which will help with both group riding and also a higher speed..

Ok enough rambling for now. It has been nice refreshing those long ago memories😆


Senior Member
Not quite sure what sort of average speed I got on the solo rides as it was a long time ago now, but I was surprised how quick we were in a group.
I guess it would have been around 22/23 mph over an hour or two obviously depending on weather and terrain.
I do remember doing a couple of open time trials and also club 5s, 10s etc and getting well over 20. My first 2 25 mile Time trials were a 56 and a 58 minutes so I guess average speed was over 25mph. My average speed now over a not too hilly course can be around 17-19 mph if my legs are feeling ok, which is quite rare these days.

One thing that was an amazing event was an Interclub challenge rollers competition where 2 riders go against each other with a massive clock with a red and a black needle. First one to complete whatever distance goes to the next round. Average speed over that was probably in excess of 30mph as it was a short distance. We're were also held by two people to make sure we didn't come off the rollers. My mak speed was about 60mph something I couldn't do now. Gearing was a 53x12 I think. Doubt I could do it now😆 They were completed on a standard RSP Dynatech road bike with clip on tri bars. Bit of a classic bike now. One of the first gen of titanium frames I believe.
Oh claim to fame I won that competition by the way. And I was walking like a cowboy after.
I now have a dedicated Cervelo TT bike which I wish I had back then. In the process of trying to sell it now as I don't race them anymore.
I think it is part shielding with other riders and also part adrenaline when you know you have to keep going. I did seem to always find that extra bit when needed. Just make sure you are fuelled up properly before the event and nothing you haven't tried before.

I think you will be absolutely fine. You have got plenty of speed still.
What sort of course is it?
I have been trying to get in front of you on the Birdsall route and was still 3 seconds behind at the finish . I think if I beat you on that, then you would be able to go out and get first again and knock another 10-20 seconds off me.

I think if you get the guys in the club chatting you could try to get a chain gang evening organised which will help with both group riding and also a higher speed..

Ok enough rambling for now. It has been nice refreshing those long ago memories😆
Thanks for the vote of confidence, unfortunately I phoned the organisers today and found out they are not going to run it, they've contacted British Cycling who've now flagged the race as cancelled. So a lot of excitement over nothing in the end, shame as it was gripping me for a bit and also a couple of girls from the new club were keen on it too. Still, we'll be better prepared for next time, hopefully lots of group rides under the belt by then.
"Walking like a cowboy" - love it:laugh: Well done on the win though!


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark

Here is a "nice" route to give you a feeling of why you got the NEO instead of some of the lower ranked trainers:

When you hit 5.0km (3.1 miles) it ramps up to 10%->13.3%->18.7%->19.3% and stays around that for about 300 meters. 500m before the finish it ramps up again as you hit the same section again... Absolutely horrible. :smile:
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Yeah. I knew the new Bkool algorithm was a rough estimate to simulate watts instead of speed. I just expected the change to be lower. I'm pleasantly surprised. By the time this fall rolls around I may be able to finish the races on the same day as the rest of you guys.
I challenged @BILL S on the Lake Simcoe route yesterday and got humiliated... My excuse was he didn't slow down for the guy crossing the road at mile 7 and almost hit him.. How rude Bill. By the way how is your back?

Your biggest mistake there Randy was to challenge the old (younger, fitter) me that was on my turbo about every day in those days. If you challenged me now the guy crossing the road would be long gone and probably be home by the time I reached that point. The fact that you even saw him proves to me you couldn't be that far behind the fitter me, and you've actually now filled me with dread about you beating me up when the season starts again. :eek:
Feels like I haven't been on it for 2 months now, but on the plus side my back seems almost normal now. Thanks for asking :smile:
I don't for a minute think you're just gathering info on the other riders to figure out the best way to destroy them as that would be totally out of character :angel:



Here is a "nice" route to give you a feeling of why you got the NEO instead of some of the lower ranked trainers:

When you hit 5.0km (3.1 miles) it ramps up to 10%->13.3%->18.7%->19.3% and stays around that for about 300 meters. 500m before the finish it ramps up again as you hit the same section again... Absolutely horrible. :smile:
Hey!!:stop: I hope you're not implying that my superb bkool pro is one such lower ranked trainer. But if you are I'd just like to point out that bkool has so finely tuned the software with weekly upgrades over the past 5 years that IMO it has to be the best trainer out there now.
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