The Bassist and Guitarist thread

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Über Member
Harley Benton MB4, or one of the HB Precisions.
I don’t play bass but I still regret not buying a bargain basement Gear 4 Music precision in gold sparkle that was in the junk shop down the road last year. I doubt it would have been the best but it would have done me for a spot of noodling.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
As you say, Thomann, the find someone to check it over and set it up if need be. Always remember it will have roundwound strings on, so if you like the idea of smooth flatwounds, you'll need to budget for that. They are not cheap. But, particularly if you're just a home noodler, they will last decades if you keep them clean!
I got a set of Adagio flatwounds for £16 off Ebay... certainly not expensive at that (link).


Legendary Member
The Adagio nickel flats are actually ok, certainly wouldnt have been upset to habe paid £30 for them, never mind £16.

The cheap Olympia stainless flats are crap though. Really dull and muddy sounding and take an age to play in.
Kent Coast
I was just about to jump in and recommend the Adagio flatwounds, but a couple of you got there before me!

I am using them on my cheapo Crafter bass, and have no complaints at all.....

On a separate issue, does anyone here have experience of using a short scale bass, compared to a regular scale one? It's not the shorter distance between frets that I am seeking. It's something much lighter to stand and play than the slab of the Crafter.

I keep looking at the Harley Benton short scale P Bass for about £83 delivered, but I can't quite get up the courage to pull the trigger on one. It must be cheap: I can't justify spending a lot when bass is not my main instrument.

Apart from the physical difference in size and weight, is the sound likely to be much different? (I am basically an acoustic guitarist that has been drafted in to play basic bass root note accompaniment for a singing group.)


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
TBH i know nowt about bass strings either... went for flats because the squeal from round wounds does my nut in and went for Adagio because of the price. I was half expecting the actual bass players to say they're sh!t... so thanks for the endorsements :smile:

@Salad Dodger ...for £83 i reckon it's worth a punt. One could easily spend that on a night out :okay:


Legendary Member
Yes, ive a Hofner Shorty and a HB Violin Bass.

The sound is hard to define, but is different. Still low and boomy though. The loose strings annoy me a bit so personally I wouldn't play short acale alone, but plenty do.
As to the Adagios, never 'eard of 'em...


Legendary Member
Adagio aren't a new firm, been going since the 80's that i know of. The company are British but I imagine the strings are made in the far east.

There ebay shop has over 100,000 positive feedback score, so dolk seem happy enough with them.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Adagio aren't a new firm, been going since the 80's that i know of. The company are British but I imagine the strings are made in the far east.

There ebay shop has over 100,000 positive feedback score, so dolk seem happy enough with them.
I bought THESE Adagio classical guitar strings last year. They accepted 50p off the asking price too... Very good value for money!


Puzzle game procrastinator!

If you follow @MontyVeda's ebay link above, you end up on a page selling all the different types of Adagio strings at fixed prices. If you search for Adagio... Let me do it - CLICK HERE - you can find pages for each type of string separately and those are open to offers. As I mentioned in my previous post, it is worth trying an offer of slightly less than they are asking for.

AND/OR... if you buy before September 13th, use the code ADAGIOSAVER to get 10% off.


Legendary Member
Added the alchemy-amalgamation symbol to my Geddy Lee for extra authenticity.

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