The best *one line* from song lyrics?

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Ok its two lines, but still good.....

At six foot six and a hundred tons he's the undisputed king of the slums,
More alias's than Klaus Barbie the master butcher of Leigh on Sea
Talking about 2 line one liners, take your pick....

The Byrds "Lady Friend" - 'here it comes again just like the last wave i drowned in, here it comes and i'm so far from shore (sure)'.

i was once in a radio studio with Ken and jon from the Posies when they did a cover of that and i pointed out that line and both said they'd never realised the double meaning and they'd been singing it for years.

best opening line; R.E.M. "southern central rain (i'm sorry)" - 'did you never call, i waited for your call'

such a sense of yearning in that.
[QUOTE 2928403, member: 1314"]Billy Bragg nicked that when providing additional lines for Kirsty Macoll's version of A new England:

When at last it didn’t ring I knew it wasn’t you[/quote]

he also nicked the first line of A New England from Paul Simon's 'the leaves that are green'


John Cooper Clarke's masterpiece, Beasley Street (from the great album Snap, Crackle & Bop), is crammed full of them, but the one that made me shudder was ...

Keith Joseph smiles and a baby dies in a box on Beasley Street

You can listen to the track (or whole album) on YouTube. Well worth it!

i love Beasley Street


Yeah, another one of those threads...

The stress on the 'one line' being 'cos we've had lots of threads on 'great lyrics', but people end up (myself included) cut 'n pasting whole songs, which I suspect no-one else ever reads. Basically, no cut 'n pasting...if it's too long to type, it's too long.

Two of my favourites, to kick off...

First, for all the Beatles-haters among us:

"Eleanor Rigby, wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door"

...the simplicity yet strikingness of the image, the monsyllabicity (shutup) and unshowiness of the words, and the overall understated rhythm of the phrase perfectly conveying the song's quiet melancholy.

And, perhaps my favourite:

"We're so happy we can hardly count."

"Oh and by the way, which one's pink?" is generally quoted as the standout from 'Have a cigar boy', but I just love the brash, vulgar humour of my preferred line. Again, it's the ethos of the song (if not the entire album) summed up in one pithy phrase.

"Singing okdokey coming outta Chokey* from Reasons to be Cheerful part 3 by Ian Dury..


Last of the Summer Winos
Ok its two lines, but still good.....

At six foot six and a hundred tons he's the undisputed king of the slums,
More alias's than Klaus Barbie the master butcher of Leigh on Sea

Carter USM - saw them at Reading in the early 90's... They were absolutely brilliant. They managed to get thousands of shoe gazing goth miserabilsts (myself included) who were there to see the Sisters Of Mercy bouncing around like "happy people"... Bastards :smile:
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