The cycle chat guide to being middle class

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Last of the Summer Winos
Oy! I'm not deaf you know! :whistle:
No. But at your age you should be asleep.


Never used Über Member
[QUOTE 4480060, member: 259"]Sourcing sustainable line-caught pollack for your supper rather than buying a packet of fish fingers for your tea.[/QUOTE]

Surely calling tea "supper" is enough? ;)

Or when Sunday breakfast is called brunch and consists of oak smoked rashers of organic free range rare breed bacon, served in a ciabatta with home made ketchup...

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I make my own bacon. From rare breed pork.
And I know how to make brioche.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Or shopping at Lidl but packing your groceries in a Waitrose bag for life...or is that "aspirational"? :laugh:

That's not middle class, that's just "using a bag that you've already bought in another shop". You're not limited to using a bag for life solely in the chain it was purchased.
To give you the flipside to "bag for life snobbishness", I was once shopping in Waitrose using a Sainsbury's bag for life, and I heard an older lady near me commenting on it to her friend quite adversely, something along the lines of "What's he doing bringing that in here, does he know where he is?". It's possibly the most middle class thing I've heard in a while, definitely a "overheard in Waitrose" moment. I hope she choked on her roast swan mousse.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Conspicuous charity is so middle class

Oh I have to tell you another "overheard in Waitrose" story then.

On one occasion the man in front of me paid for his few bits, and asked for a few extra "green tokens", those things that you put in a box at the exit to vote for who Waitrose will give the majority of a couple of hundred quid or so to in the following month.
Not two minutes later he's back, and asked if he could have a handful. The till girl obliged, and he couldn't contain himself. "Oh I LOVE giving to charity, it makes me feel splendid!" he squawked.
Of course he was giving sweet FA to the charities, but it allowed his middle class conscience to at least feel like he was.
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