The fairy rewards my organisation with a visit

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Senior Member

Spent an hour on sunday stripping down the cassette and removing the chain for a deep clean. Cleaned the bike, pumped up the tyres and even got my rucksack packed and ready to go. Only to find that when pumping up my tyres I've caused an invisible sharp thing in the tyre to burst the sodding tube.

Cue getting changed into civvies and getting the (late) train.


quicker to fit a new tube and pump up if at home surely?
The fairy was obviously in a good mood today - though still mischeivous of course...

Turning left about 200 yards from home the front end twitched and skipped a little - thinks I "not that cold" surprised at a bit of black ice but thought nothing more, went over speed humps and potholes (unavoidable on that street) with no ill-effect

Arrived home, dismounted and the front end did dip a little, I checked the tyre and it was a bit soft

Wheeled bike down passage, unlocked outhouse...completely flat

Since I am full of cold and was regretting cycling, pushing it deeper, at least she let me get all the way home - I was in no mood to faff around with patches
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