The Ken Block of Cycling....(Pinarello Vid)

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I don't know, there's some right showoffs around!

BTW where do I go to get these nice young ladies to clean my bike? :shy:
Indeed, great skills.

It doesn't demean Danny Macaskill at all, but to do those stunts on a top-of-the-range road bike (and clipped in) takes some doing!

I reckon Martyn's previous road bike video was better riding

For those that don't remember it:



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Why on earth was he wearing a helmet?



Somerset UK
.... There are going to be a lot of people upset with that WD40 though!

Can't see why. It's being used for what it's good at - cleaning.

I use it, it gets all the road gunge and tar off, all sorts of dirty marks come off, leaves the surface shiny and water repellant. Also good for cleaning off old glue when renewing bar tape.

Have to be a bit careful not to get it on the transmission, and to keep it well clear of bearings because t washes the oil out, that apart it's cheap and useful.
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