The League of Gentleman Reunite.

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But, unlike some, I prefer reasoned argument to simply stating my position as if it's just common sense.
Again, I have not seen anything saying you cannot do that if that is what you with to do and the other person engages in a reasoned argument (which so frequently did not happen in this sub-forum which used to be...)


Again, I have not seen anything saying you cannot do that if that is what you with to do and the other person engages in a reasoned argument (which so frequently did not happen in this sub-forum which used to be...)

That being said:
Plenty of 'Chubby' on youtube,

So I took the challenge and watched the first clip that google offered me. Ignorant and racist and I don't know even which bits were meant to be funny.
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I wonder if they'll be doing it in the same style as the first two series or the third.

Of if Papa Lazarou will even be in it?


Firm and Fruity
I dont like Chubby Brown's humour, just as i dont like Mrs Brown, but plenty of people do.
The fact that they let him have a cameo appearance shows that the League of Gentlemen guys dont dislike him.
I cant put a like up as it is NSFW but the punchline at the end of the sketch revolves around the fact that he swears alot.

Tim Hall

Roy 'Chubby' Brown is a nasty racist, homophobic and misogynistic little man whose "humour" appeals to small-minded, knuckle-dragging, mouth breathing Daily Heil readers. It's not surprising he's considered an "oppressed free thinker" by some - or that his act is most popular in certain areas of the country.
So not a fan then? (Me neither, FWIW).


Smash the cistern
Apparently IRL he's charm personified. I think he plays to his audience.

Regarding Papa Lazarou, the article would suggest that the LoG have thought about their characters, stand by them and are ready to defend them should they need to.


I did enjoy The League of Gentlemen a lot, at the time. It was part of a glut of good comedy (well, I thought it was good, YMMV) in the late 90s: The Fast Show, Father Ted, The League of Gentlemen. However I fear that the reunion will be a bit rubbish.

All of them have been involved with various excellent programmes since, Inside No. 9 was particularly brilliant. I'm pretty confident the specials will be as good as the originals, well hopeful at least!


This thread lost me a whilst ago,dare i say i hope the specials are as good as the original series.Went to watch the stage show in Manchester years ago and it didnt disappoint.Im pretty sure if memory serves me right they picked Royston Vasey because as a persons real name it made them laugh.
For the record i cant stand the real one !
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