The 'Low Maintenance' Myth

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I'm just back in from the garage, where I've been toiling away at my supposedly 'low-maintenance' fixed-gear fixie.

Pah! Low maintenance my backside!

It cannot be more than 30 years old and some of the parts are considerable newer than that. Hardly Stone Henge, then.

Yet there I was having to replace the headset! Nearly £14 in parts alone, not including the grease I had to use. I don't even want to think about all the muck I've got on the cloths in my workshop. This was a 'proper' steering assembly with a quill and ink and stuff.

I might add that while I was there I noticed one or two things needed adjusting, cleaning and generally sorting out. Happy I am not!

The next time someone tells me that there's little to go wrong on a fixie, I shall be straight onto my solicitor and a stern letter will be despatched.

So... Myth well and truly put to bed. Thank you for reading this.

Titan yer tummy

No meatings b4 dinner!
Crikey you're having a mare.

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
glad it's not just me.

When people harp about 'low maintenance' and all that jazz... i tell 'em i set my gears years ago and they've had barely any adjusting since. Bike's aren't what i call high maintenance; geared or fixed. It's a point of view 'they' seldom take on board :blush:


Maybe you would be better off walking...on second thoughts i'm sure you would have worn through a few pairs of shoes in 30 years too! :tongue:


Naturist Smurf
Sorry if I'm bursting any bubbles, but the low-maintenance claim for fixed wheel bikes is a complete lie. I've had to pump up my tyres before every single ride :pump: :angry: :pump: :angry:

just jim

Despite repeated effort, I cannot think of anything wrong with mine. How inconvenient and selfish of it that I needn't order something new. No wonder the "trendies" get so much stick.

That aside - is an oldie on a fixed wheel a "replacement hipster"? I'm here all year.
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