The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well, it was very windy here today, but dry, and lots of rain is forecast for the next week so I took my chance and completed the 2015 challenge this afternoon.

It has certainly encouraged me to do longer rides but some of you are putting in efforts which remind me that I could be trying harder! :okay:

I have been toying with the idea of having a go at the imperial century, metric century and half metric century challenges in parallel next year to mark turning 60 - a 'there is life in the old dog yet' endeavour!

I don't want to set myself up for failure though, so I will start with an easier goal of one metric OR imperial OR double metric century PLUS one metric century PLUS one half metric OR half imperial century a month. If I do manage to get early-season imperials done, then commit myself to imperials OR double metrics instead of metrics for alternative long ride each month for the rest of the year. I would be pretty happy with (say) 18+*100 km, 4*100 miles, 2*200 km PLUS 12+*50 km.

Now watch me catch a really nasty flu bug early in January which scuppers the whole lot before I even get started! :okay:


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
A bit worried at the moment. Cricked my neck badly couple of days ago, and am nowhere near ready to get on a bike. (Hard enough getting in my car). There goes this Sunday's club ride. Worse still, I was planning to complete the challenge on Tuesday or Wednesday. Can't see it happening any time soon.

Well done to those of you who have already made it over the finishing line. I'm not done yet. I'll just have to give it a week or so. The trouble is, the longer you leave it, the more likely it becomes that you'll have to do it in crap weather.
That sounds alarming, Donger. Best of luck with a rapid recovery from the bad neck. I've done something of that sort in the past and it's remarkable how debilitating it is. On the upside, it can recover surprisingly quickly too.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
That sounds alarming, Donger. Best of luck with a rapid recovery from the bad neck. I've done something of that sort in the past and it's remarkable how debilitating it is. On the upside, it can recover surprisingly quickly too.
After doing the last 11 rides over the course of the year, I'd do that last one with my head hanging off if I had to! If necessary I'll take 2 weeks out like I did with my knee earlier in the year. I'm sure i'll get it done. I was hoping to be showboating by next Wednesday though.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
A bit worried at the moment. Cricked my neck badly couple of days ago, and am nowhere near ready to get on a bike. (Hard enough getting in my car). There goes this Sunday's club ride. Worse still, I was planning to complete the challenge on Tuesday or Wednesday. Can't see it happening any time soon.

Well done to those of you who have already made it over the finishing line. I'm not done yet. I'll just have to give it a week or so. The trouble is, the longer you leave it, the more likely it becomes that you'll have to do it in crap weather.
Sounds nasty. Perhaps an osteopath could ease it back into alignment? GWS!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
A bit worried at the moment. Cricked my neck badly couple of days ago, and am nowhere near ready to get on a bike. (Hard enough getting in my car). There goes this Sunday's club ride. Worse still, I was planning to complete the challenge on Tuesday or Wednesday. Can't see it happening any time soon.

Well done to those of you who have already made it over the finishing line. I'm not done yet. I'll just have to give it a week or so. The trouble is, the longer you leave it, the more likely it becomes that you'll have to do it in crap weather.
Aaaargh - I dozed off in an uncomfortable position and my damn neck has cricked out in sympathy with yours! :laugh:

The stiff neck isn't as bad as your sounds but it is pretty uncomfortable. I'll search online for some exercises to try and fix it.

I hope your neck is getting better and that you get your 100 km ride in soon.


West Wales
Good luck with the neck Donger, sounds awful .
Weather is still very mild down here.. Bit windy but otherwise very pleasant.
You lot get all the best views tho

Well done all those who finnished

Next year I'll be doing the imperial challenge.
Have done a 200k or more audax every month since June
I'll be 60 next year too.. Can't quite believe it

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris


Kilometre nibbler
(There will likely be a fresh thread for 2016).
Speaking of which, we've had quite a few queries, and some minor differences of opinion about the rules. How about the following as a header for the new thread (happy for people to disagree ... just a suggestion).

  • You must complete at least one day's riding of least 100km in each month.
  • You can join the challenge in any month (you don't have to start in January), but if you miss a month you are out of the challenge for the rest of the year and will have to wait until next January to rejoin.
  • You should log your rides in "The 2016 Metric Century (100km) a Month Challenge" thread. To do this you should add a post containing all of your 2016 rides to date, one ride per line, with the date, distance, short route description, and any links you want to add. If you are counting your points (see below) you should add your points totals to this post. See this thread for examples.
  • The challenge thread should have ride details only. Chat, discussion, photos, ride descriptions and so forth should be posted in "The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone" or anywhere else apart from the challenge thread.
  • You can add links to GPS tracks on Strava, RideWithGPS etc. to your ride log if you like but these are not mandatory.
  • Rides divided into two separate legs in one day are allowed. For example if you ride 50km to a station, get on a train for a few hours, then get on and ride another 50km that is OK as long as it is all within one day (midnight to midnight).
  • There is an optional points competition. You get one point for each complete 100km ridden as part of the challenge. So one point for a 100km ride, two for a 200km ride, three for 300km and so on. You cannot carry over distance from one ride to the next: Two separate 150km rides on separate days would be two points, not three. Keep a running total of your points in your ride log.
  • If you complete a whole calendar year (Jan-Dec) you win the prize of being able to be a bit smug about it.
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