betty swollocks
large member
I live near a main road, with cars hurtling past all day long and most of the night too.
Just along from me was a solitary apple tree which, every spring, produced the most terrific covering of luxuriant and pristine, snow-white blossom. I was very fond of it: it became a friend and year after year I used to marvel at this wondrous display. It was my secret almost, because I never saw anyone else admiring it. Where I am everyone drives into town and therefore has little time for such marvels. I used to wonder whether it did it just for me.
Well, it won't any longer: there's some new houses going up and this morning there's a stump where the tree once was.
I'm distraught and have just been and had a rant in the site office.
It was met with blank stares.

I live near a main road, with cars hurtling past all day long and most of the night too.
Just along from me was a solitary apple tree which, every spring, produced the most terrific covering of luxuriant and pristine, snow-white blossom. I was very fond of it: it became a friend and year after year I used to marvel at this wondrous display. It was my secret almost, because I never saw anyone else admiring it. Where I am everyone drives into town and therefore has little time for such marvels. I used to wonder whether it did it just for me.
Well, it won't any longer: there's some new houses going up and this morning there's a stump where the tree once was.
I'm distraught and have just been and had a rant in the site office.
It was met with blank stares.