Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Leg End Member
Can I go for things you wanted to text - someone keeps sending me texts in the mistaken belief that they're texting their boss..... I usually get texts like "sorry i'm running a bit late" "sorry I've overslept and will be here soon". I know the nice thing to do, would be to text them back, saying "wrong number, I'm not your boss", but I have a strong urge to text back "don't worry, take the rest of the day off"
Just do what you feel is best.


Midlands UK
You are only about 2 years older than me and yet your hair is very grey and you look so old.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I am sure you are nice enough people and all, but.... WELL DONE you have just wasted everyones' time, dashed the hopes of several people and caused untold stress and aggro in the process!! :ninja:

After a few weeks of it being in the balance, the sale of the house has finally fallen through. Seeingly it is to do with the people who were buying the house off the people who were to move to here.:rolleyes:
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No it's not a three lane road. But since planning laws now state that cars have to be parked around the corner on the nearest main road we've got to co-operate when passing the dumped vehicles from new housing. You driving your waste of space 4x4 head on to me to prove a point is just sad. The Navarra behind you is twice your size and fits through, and isn't complaining.
Now wind your window back up and move on. I don't give a toss and YOU are blocking traffic.
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Dave the Smeghead

Über Member
This is not something I can't say but something I didn't get the chance to say.......
If you drive your black cab directly at me again I will:
A. Report you to Tintagel House
B. Kick seven shades out of your cab so you will be unable to work until you have spent lots of money fixing your poxy foul sh*tty little crap box
C. Kick seven shades out of you so that it will pain you for the rest of your truly miserable existence on this planet - it will be that bad that you will wish everyday that I had finished you off that day - you will beg for the release of your existence of pain every single minute of every single day.
See if I don't you vile spiteful waste of oxygen.


No, I will not meet your current suppliers price just to get my foot in the door! We are both aware that his offer meets neither the specification nor the required after sales care requirements laid out by your tender. ( I did say this bit)

Now F@ck off and stop wasting valuable time I could be spending on clients who genuinely want to reach the correct solution for their operation and don't ask whether I have ever supplied a brown envelope, you tw@t


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You were a good mate for 50 years and I still find myself planning to call round to see you when visiting my sister, only to remember that you are no longer there.

I just got a letter from the solicitors dealing with your estate, who were checking that they have the correct address for me. They won't tell me yet what you have left to me, but whatever it is - thanks, old pal, and R.I.P.

PS Update ... It was a nice sum of money! I am treating myself to some things that I would otherwise not have been able to afford. Here's my first purchase:

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Legendary Member
I don't want to be in a Church house group,i don't want to run a house group.I am tired,i do all the housework,i cook half of the meals,i wash up every night.I don't finish while 7pm,because i like to clean the kitchen afterwards.
I need me time to get my energy back.I need cycling me time,otherwise i would blow up.
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