Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Senior Member
Like this perhaps?
Looks like I should have got closer, just didn't want to look too shifty. Oh well. That's a great hide.


Midlands UK
If that is how you feel maybe you should take a good long look at your life and make a few decisions.


Legendary Member
Cut the crap mate, I am going to buy your doors, I'm quite happy with the price, your service and fitting last time was dont need to give me the predictable shpeil, yes I know we are existing customers, you like to do what you can to blah blah, the price is heavily discounted, blah blah blah.
Just let me sign and feck off.
Im joking re the feck off, actually he was nice, professional and we got somewhere near where we wanted to be, its not a huge order, we know what we want etc etc. But everyone has a game to play, he's got to tell you how good the deal is, that's how hes trained and whats expected of him, you've got to play hardball, oooh, thats too expensive etc etc..its all a game.

Dave the Smeghead

Über Member
Yes I am commuting by bike. Yes I will get wet when it rains. No I don't believe I will die horribly under the wheels of an artic or a bus. And it is saving us money rather than me using the tube and yes I am doing it because it is good exercise and it relieves me of stress - but most of all I am doing it because I actually enjoy riding bikes. Now take that stick out from your as* and lighten the f*ck up.


Getting there, one ride at a time.
Yes I will abide by the stupid rules, even though it costs us money and what we are currently doing works just fine!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
My parents have sold their house and have just put an offer in for the house they really want.

Now, I know not much can be done, and apparently two other people are also interested but please HURRY UP!! My parents are getting stressed and the waiting is unbearable!!


Legendary Member
The Chief Exec of our NHS Trust came into see us this morning at 8:15 to "say hello to the early birds". It was appreciated and shows a human side that previous incumbents haven't had.........

However she comments "I think you've de cluttered in here as there looks more space"

To which I thought, here's my chance and I said "well we've got a lot less staff in here now" (we have lost 5 staff in 6 months and not been allowed to replace any, meaning we are all up to our eyes in the brown stuff) and she responds with "that's good it always helps with more space" :cursing:

I wanted to say "no it bloody well doesn't help, we have been cut by half, more work is piled upon us, I am doing 3 people's jobs and whilst we are at it why can the bloody finance dept recruit and get secondment maternity cover and we can't get anything"

But I do value having a job and so just smiled politely and carried on....
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