Thursday Night Ride to the Coast to Felpham 5th April

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New Member
FNRttC always looks full-on in the photo's, but honestly, in real life it is rather more cream egg than granite rock.
Cream egg?! Yea right!! Well, I haven't managed to get out to do a cream egg ride because the weather isn't fair enough for a light weight like me - but, I've done done a quick 5k run followed by body pump class...her's me wishing I was granite rock!


New Member
From my point of view this was harder than the average ride because it is one of the longer rides and it turned out to be much colder than the average ride. Ok it didn't rain (or snow for that matter) but actually its normally dry.
So you know, the Southend ride at a warmer time of year and when the days are longer is a very different proposition, within reach of even a casual cyclist with a reliable bike and decent lights. The genteel Brighton trip is slower paced for a purpose too.
Never say never ;-)
Thank you Thom...but I think I still need to get more cycling under my belt before I even do the's only a few weeks away. This time, some one better advise me what to wear etc!


Here for rides.
I thought about riding some of it, but then I discovered that walking helped to thaw out my frozen feet by re-introducing a blood supply!:smile:

I also had the magical solo riding experience on the long dark lanes leading to Faygate - the ride must have got very strung out at that point for us all to feel the solitude. I loved it! That moonlight was just incredible.
I got very confused by the run to Faygate. I waymarked outside the Seven Stars at Leigh with young Adrian, managed to overcome the insult of having a recumbentista check their GPS to confirm our instructions were correct, and was thus at the back when the tail came through. But I was in the first half-dozen or so to get to the Cabin. With almost no memory of overtaking people.

Perhaps I was abducted by aliens, somewhere north of Newdigate, subjected to the usual probing, was found wanting and so was dropped back on the outskirts of Faygate? When I happened upon Simon and Claudine at the mini roundabout I was nonplussed as to how I had got from 'there-to-here' without the bit in the middle... I remember turning left, I remember ?Andy? the waymarker then passing me, and dropping me like as stone, and me thinking "Oh cripes" and I feel like I have a vague recollection of following Stuart near Lambs Green, but equally these could be memories from the last time we went that way! Weird.


Here for rides.
Cream egg?! Yea right!! Well, I haven't managed to get out to do a cream egg ride because the weather isn't fair enough for a light weight like me - but, I've done done a quick 5k run followed by body pump class...her's me wishing I was granite rock!
If you want granite ride at the front. Cream egg? Ride at the back. The difference is chalk and cheese honestly. The front is pell mell gung ho hard core riding and the back is all mellow and chilled. (The real mentalists spend the night waymarking so they can ride from back to front several times over; you know who you are!)


Here for rides.
Thank you Thom...but I think I still need to get more cycling under my belt before I even do the's only a few weeks away. This time, some one better advise me what to wear etc!
A wise man (well Ross) once said "You can take off layers when you have too many on, but you can't put on what you haven't brought"


New Member
A wise man (well Ross) once said "You can take off layers when you have too many on, but you can't put on what you haven't brought"
Yep, I agree...but I brought so many layers that poor Ian ended up carry my rucksack...I'll have my proper thinking hat on for next time...right, I must now face the gruesome weather walking up Richmond Hill, were I have an appointment in a relaxing spa for a little massage...sigh


Here for rides.
There's only one of me. Of that I'm certain.
There might be two of you..... if you like.....
but if there were two of you you'd each be certain that you were the only you and the other you was the imposter.

I used to have a doppelganger in West Grinstead....
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