Time for some music...

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New Member
Baggy said:
I am a child of 1980's discos and have listened to that song several hundred times whilst looking on at teenage fumblers (by which I mean slow dancing types, am not really a lairy old perv). :laugh:
It's mellow though.

Nice try. I think that you and chuffy's soul levels are down here:

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaCCG7QkM_c


New Member
Yarm, Cleveland


New Member
linfordlunchbox said:
We are looking for Mellow, I was listening to this before Noodley started this thread

linford, don't come out of soapbox and suddenly pretend you understand music, because you clearly don't.

I'm going to stop listening to music until you go to bed, you big ape, in case your consciousness affects the global music.


Abitrary said:
linford, don't come out of soapbox and suddenly pretend you understand music, because you clearly don't.

I'm going to stop listening to music until you go to bed, you big ape, in case your consciousness affects the global music.

What are you on Abitrary, I grew up with punk (I was 11 when the Sex Pistols hit the big time), and have listened to everything between then and now as contemporary of its day. I went through the punk stage in 77/78 like most of the kids in my school before moving on to the Mod and then the Ska stuff and then beyond into the electronica and new romantic movement of the early 80s.

This isn't the soapbox, so try not to be quite so offensive eh !
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