Tour de France 2012 (with SPOILERS)

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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
A report on Cycling News suggesting what some of us here thought; Cavendish is not aiming for green. His priorities are elsewhere this year.

It'll be interesting to see how it pans out though. If he wins a couple of sprints, places in a few more than maybe he'll find himself thinking about it.

I think there's a certain amount of smokescreening going on with regard to Cav's ambitions. The green jersey isn't his priority, but that doesn't necessarily mean he won't be trying to win it if he can, just that he won't go into the red to do so...

Some of quotes in this CW piece suggest a man who's quietly confident of his chances:

I love the attitude that comes across in his quotes - he could take three weeks off to do some hard training but would rather be out there racing. Yet again, he shows that he's really doing the rainbow stripes proud.

One thing we can be pretty sure of is that he'll be going for the stage win on the Champs-Elysee, assuming he hasn't pulled out by then. And I don't think him pulling out is as likely as some people seem to think.



I was wondering about Rojas while picking my fantasy TdF team yesterday.

Which fantasy leagues are people using? Is their a CC mini-league? I always enjoy those, even if I'm not very good. I don't tend to have a lto of time for all the transfers stuff, so a pure league like the Velogames works better for me.


I think there's a certain amount of smokescreening going on with regard to Cav's ambitions. The green jersey isn't his priority, but that doesn't necessarily mean he won't be trying to win it if he can, just that he won't go into the red to do so...

Some of quotes in this CW piece suggest a man who's quietly confident of his chances:

I love the attitude that comes across in his quotes - he could take three weeks off to do some hard training but would rather be out there racing. Yet again, he shows that he's really doing the rainbow stripes proud.

One thing we can be pretty sure of is that he'll be going for the stage win on the Champs-Elysee, assuming he hasn't pulled out by then. And I don't think him pulling out is as likely as some people seem to think.


I agree - there's definitely a certain amount of mind games going on here. I don't expect his rivals to fall for it, but I'm unpersuaded by the overarching tone of the various interviews he's giving.
Well I'm all set; Poster with stage details on wall in line of sight from where I eat my breakfast, watched 2011 highlights dvd last night as a taster, made sure I can 'work from home' every afternoon for the next three weeks, stocked up on vin rouge & blanc (25% of 6+ in Sainbury's) and might even watch Belleville Rendezvous (again) tonight just to get into a French vibe.


Okay, I suppose I had better put forward some predictions:
Yellow - Wiggins
Green - Sagan
Polka - Rolland
White - Taaramae
Frenchman that the nation takes to it's heart (they should do a jersey for that) - Pinot, just because he is my FdeJ "youngster to watch" this year...

I am looking forward to it being a well contested event across all the jerseys!
Just introducing the teams now on Eurosport.

Classic - Bradley asked a very long question in French and replies " Yes". He then mutters something about the compere not speaking English and they are off.


Mexico City
I know some of the press corps are halfwits and it must be tedious having to deal with them, but sometimes I think that Wiggins comes across as a bit of an arrogant and disrespectful git in press conferences and interviews.


I know some of the press corps are halfwits and it must be tedious having to deal with them, but sometimes I think that Wiggins comes across as a bit of an arrogant and disrespectful git in press conferences and interviews.

I know some of the riders are halfwits and it must be tedious having to deal with them, but sometimes the French media/Tour organisation come across as a bit arrogant and disrespectful gits :laugh:


Dog on a bike
Just introducing the teams now on Eurosport.

Classic - Bradley asked a very long question in French and replies " Yes". He then mutters something about the compere not speaking English and they are off.
He hardly muttered it! "There's no point talking to you, you don't speak any English do you?". He did say it with a smile though, he wasn't getting stroppy about it.


What’s the point
You can have Tony Bliar back any time.

there are so many additions to that but i fear they may be too cruel for some to bear.
anyway back to Le Tour.

wiggo or evans for yellow- too close to call it it for moi.
Cav will get a few sprint wins but will leave before the pyrenees.


Wiggin's French is very good so I guess his remark was intended to bedevil, amuse, or somesuch.

There was a short interview with him on a French sports program the night before last (all in French) and he comes across as calm, intelligent and somewhat playful. He remarked that he doesn't actually like the cameras and interviews etc but is getting better at handling such situations. Notably, his 'British sense of humour' is always remarked upon and so I think that he's generally liked for this as a kind of quirkiness.

Contrast that to Cadel Evans who comes across as a little tense and somewhat serious. He puts a great deal of effort into trying to speak French but doesn't have Wiggin's casualness. I've seen Cadel be asked to speak English in an interview with French tv and my guess is that he's actually easier to understand like that, the translators can do their job then! He tends to get tongue tied in French and it can come out a bit garbled. Credit too him though, he gives it a go!
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