Traffic Cops

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Über Member
I have always been a law obeying citizen but I cannot stop disliking many of the police officers featured in that tv program. They are pretty arrogant and I'm convinced some policemen get a buzz out high speed car chasing.... endangering the life of innocent people. I do want criminals stopped but I don't think this program is doing police any favours.

I would be interested to know if other people feel the same way I do


New Member
Morti boy will be along shortly to disagree and issue a spot fine for stereotyping plods!
i do quite enjoy watching it, but i think its more the sense of justice being done.

remember that all tv like that is cut and edited by someone and will end up with it appearing in a certain way. they've always seemed a little cocky in that they're certain they'll catch them and the charge will stick.

i've always seen it as them enjoying catching someone in the act and getting them off the street.

its very likely that there's a couple of weeks footage in that show, they'll not be getting 10 people a night!


Über Member
oxbob said:
Morti boy will be along shortly to disagree and issue a spot fine for stereotyping plods!

Obviously not all are the same, you can tell the older policemen seem to be closer to what I would expect a policeman to behave :biggrin: not to abuse their power.

A few weeks ago I was watching the program and two policemen had stopped a drunk man, all very well up to that point, however, it seems the police had no grounds to arrest the man BUT one of the police officer really wanted to arrest him and he got so close to the drunk man, who kept backing up until he made the mistake of putting his hand on the officer's could tell the drunk man had no intention to hurt the police officer but keep some distance. However, in two seconds the police officer had the drunk man over the bonnet of a car :ohmy: .... what the officer said afterwards made it clear that he knew he was going to end up arresting the drunk man and that is what pissed me off, the police officer getting a buzz out of explaining to the TV how he did it.

slinky malinky

Active Member
Manonabike, you have got to understand they (media) want to show this kind of dribble to make the world of cops and robbers fit in with what everyone thinks it is like, I can promise you they film for months and months just to get a 1/2 hour program together, 99% of your time is dealing with rubbish and writing (every noticed they never show a room full of officers writing and typing) the drunk being arrested would generate hours of paper work and the grief you get for arresting a drunk is a nightmare (normally have to have an officer sit in the cell to make sure they are ok whilst they sleep it off!!!!), so like most things don't believe all what you watch, the guys and girls work very hard for little thanks,I see people do amazing things for their fellow man but I have seen things that i hope none of you ever have to, i know people will always hate us which i can live with, I will still be out there doing my thing.:ohmy:

Mr Pig

New Member
I hope the police do enjoy what they do, why shouldn't they? Isn't peeling scum of the streets a good thing?

As for police brutality, bring it on. People 'should' feel intimidated by the police. Sadly these days their authority has been eroded to the point that even children have little fear of them, the rules are upside down.

The police should be able to smack people, including children, whenever they want.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
One of the things about dealing with most of the folk the Police are likely to encounter is that it engenders an incredible degree of cynicism. I've never done the job myself, but I've worked with similar clienteles, and it can be extremely difficult to maintain a balanced view of life when 8 out of ten people lie outrageously to you, even when there's no point in doing so, and especially when you catch them in the lie.

I think the current policing culture engenders a certain amount of cynicsm in the leadership (both in terms of government, and higher management) which is overly target driven, stupidly bureaucratic, and removes a huge amount of the discretion that officers used to be able to exercise in the course of their duties. Whilst I wouldn't go as far as my esteemed colleague Mr. Pig, I do think that the way policing is run currently here in the UK is a recipe for disaster, and needs a serious rethink.

Books like "David Copperfield"'s "Wasting Police Time", Ellie Bloggs' "Diary of an On Call Girl" give an idea of what it's like to be a serving officer currently. "Inspector Gadget"'s "Perverting the Course of Justice" gives the view from a higher level.


Manonabike said:
......... I'm convinced some policemen get a buzz out high speed car chasing.... endangering the life of innocent people.....

While random innocents flee in terror from possible police brutality.


Legendary Member
I do think some of the younger ones are on a power trip to earn their stripes or whatever. Older coppers ime are generally nicer to deal with and apply common sense to the situation but I suppose it's called experience. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, there really is no substitute for real life experience.

Mr Pig

New Member
John the Monkey said:
I wouldn't go as far as Mr. Pig, I do think that the way policing is run is a recipe for disaster

I'm exaggerating to make the point obviously but totally agree that we are in real trouble. I'm not sure that people realise just how much trouble we potentially are in.

Last week I saw a local ned padding across next door's garden, clearly up to no good. He legged it when he saw me. My neighbour and I went out in his car to try and find him, and we did. However there was nothing we could do. When thinking about what action we could take we realised that our hands were completely tied and, even if we had managed to get the police to attend, there would've been nothing they could do either.

The role of the police has in many ways been reduced to that of a glorified social worker, and the kids know this. Gangs of kids regularly drink and run riot on the main road through our village or commandeer the country park and yell their heads off all night. Because they know they can get away with it. The police don't have the staff to respond to every such incident and don't have the backup or resources to deal with them when they do.

I don't think people realise how close we could be to areas of the country becoming almost lawless! Police need to get their authority back, we need to sort out the whole human rights nonsense and return to the days when wrongdoers actually suffered for their crimes.


Über Member
Mr Pig said:
I hope the police do enjoy what they do, why shouldn't they? Isn't peeling scum of the streets a good thing?

As for police brutality, bring it on. People 'should' feel intimidated by the police. Sadly these days their authority has been eroded to the point that even children have little fear of them, the rules are upside down.

The police should be able to smack people, including children, whenever they want.

I don't think anyone but the parents should smack children, however, I also accept that there are some terrible parents out there that cannot or won't control their own children. Starting from a point where all parents are capable to bring up their children properly, the police has no business in smacking children whatsoever. Failing that the courts should remove children from parents that are not up to the job.

" As for police brutality, bring it on." Does not deserve a reply.

"People 'should' feel intimidated by the police. Sadly these days their authority has been eroded to the point that even children have little fear of them, the rules are upside down. " I lived for years under a dictatorship and I can only say you have no idea what you are talking about. People did feel intimidated by the police and children were terribly scared of the police too. I would give my right hand to force you to live under a dictator and experience everyday that fear you seek for children. Experience police brutality simply because you are walking in the wrong place and at the wrong time, experience what it feels like to have a machine gun touching your belly when you are simply asking directions from a police officer.

I taught my children to respect the law but never to be afraid of the police. The police are here to protect us NOT to intimidate us.

Mr Pig

New Member
We don't live under a dictatorship.

If a cheeky yob is giving abuse to police officers I think they should be able to give them a good slap. It's what the brats deserve and need. Sadly they know that they are untouchable.


Über Member
Mr Pig said:
We don't live under a dictatorship.

If a cheeky yob is giving abuse to police officers I think they should be able to give them a good slap. It's what the brats deserve and need. Sadly they know that they are untouchable.

We don't live under a dictatorship. Thank god for that because that is exactly what you were asking for , living in intimidation and fear, police brutality.....

There are ways and ways of dealing with those that brake the law... let's just say that there are people that have a little more common sense :whistle:

I would advise you to read a little bit on police methods in other countries, specially Scandinavians countries.

Can I ask what you think about the drinking culture in this country? :sad:
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