Urgent please share it puts pressure on the Police

Shoud the Police investigate ?

  • Yes and then arrange a public flogging

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • Yes and let the courts do their thing !

    Votes: 35 77.8%

  • Total voters
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If your are not careful the thread might end up in the Helmets and Headphones section :whistle:
Oh good because I've got that section on irrelevant. Either that or can we have another section for Facebook tossery where all this rubbish can be dumped. In fact make it Facebook and Twitter, perfect.


I know where my towel is
Oh good because I've got that section on irrelevant. Either that or can we have another section for Facebook tossery where all this rubbish can be dumped. In fact make it Facebook and Twitter, perfect.

The faceache and twatter sections. :thumbsup:
I have to admit to having accounts on both :rolleyes:, although I will only admit to putting my rides on FB, any other use I will not admit, well, except as a way for my mother to contact me, but that's another story... :whistle:
The faceache and twatter sections. :thumbsup:
I have to admit to having accounts on both :rolleyes:, although I will only admit to putting my rides on FB, any other use I will not admit, well, except as a way for my mother to contact me, but that's another story... :whistle:
What you do in the privacy of the public internet is entirely up to you Froodo me old mucker. I only care when the peace and privacy of my inner reflections are disturbed in the armchair of cc.


dingo's kidneys
Got to say, idiot that I am, if I had a cyclist knock themselves down in such a fashion, I might compose an Emma Way style tweet as a joke.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
TMN said, with sarcasm 'thanks for spoiling the joke'
My replies were intended to show that I didn't think it was a joke, as in I don't find the TMN thing particularly funny. Not that I find it offensive, nor do I think that it is something that shouldn't be joked about, nor do I think that other people shouldn't find it amusing, quite simply it is just that I don't find it all that amusing myself. Each to her or his own sense of humour, and all that.
That is all...
Ffs back. Both of my posts were in themselves TMN s, that was the whole point.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Right, I am posting this message to try and rectify what has gone on with Damo Dunn and the cycling incident in PLymouth. after speaking to him personally, the incident is not as it was in his post. It may be hard for any of you to understand, but he did not mean it like it sounded. I have known him for many years and he has always been a bit gobby. I am a cyclist and as his friend was mega ****ed off, which is why I shared the post.

If I spoke with him first I would have calmed down and realised that it was not as he posted.

The actual incident involved a cyclist going up the inside of him whilst he was indicating and turning left. The cyclist then cycled into the side of his vehicle, and hit the deck. Damon STOPPED at the scene to make sure he was ok, the cyclist got up and shrugged it of, a bit embarrassed with his mistake. He then cycled off no worse for wear. No harm done, just a bruised ego.

If any1 was hurt i'm sure they would have contacted the police.

I know damo shouldn't have written what he did, but stupidly, he did.

I also took it the wrong way and did not like the fact or matter it was written with.
I am hoping this post will show people that he is not the cycle killer he has been made to look.

Also he is no longer my friend due to his remarkably stupid comments. He had no thought towards me or anyone else for that matter whilst writing that ridiculous post.
I am sorry if his stupidity has worried many of you but as an ex friend (15yrs he was my mate) I know he would wish no harm on anyone in any circumstance.

Why would the thought of idiots deliberately driving into cyclists worry any of us on here?
. Regardless of what did or didnt happen in the accident anyone stupid enough to post a status like that is too stupid to be in charge of a car.


The number of times people reel out the old ''I'm a cyclist too you know'' is amazing. Like IGAF. I just want to get home in one piece you reckless twonk!

The only thing these morons worry about is getting in trouble.

It's the new "I have a black friend" .:rolleyes:


When these idiots say "I'm a cyclist too" the quick as a flash response should be "what bike do you ride?" I'm guessing the response would genrally be "Oh, er, erm it's a erm....."
I ride a focus cayo 2.0 and a spesh allez for training/winter. A cube aerium tt bike with shimano rs80 c50 and a spesh stumpjumper fsr mtb.
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