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Legendary Member
I am sure things have improved since the tale I heard, but that quote (not criticising you) sounds suspiciously weaselly.
"employees" covers a pretty wide spread of roles within the BBC.

Many rather humble I would suppose.
Have to say my first reaction was surprise that the figure wasn't higher. And in fact, it turns out, it's not that unrepresentative...


Which also surprised me. 18%. Who knew?

I'd be equally surprised to hear that that public school proportion remains constant all the way up the greasy pole. I stand to be corrected, but I'd be very surprised if not only the Top Jobs but good jobs in every department display a marked Public School bias. It often ends up being what you know, but it almost always starts with who you know. Particularly at hard core Establishment institutions like the BBC.

And I speak as one who believes passionately in the BBC.

It's not just them anyway. I complained to the editor after 'as equally as' appeared not only in the Guardian but in the Guardian leader. I said, I said "This happened on your watch." She never got back to me. Typical Cheltenham.
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Legendary Member
If memory serves it was Leonid Shebarshim, head of the KGB at the time. He described the Beeb as "The Red Service" because of their left-wing bias.

You'd think the head of state security for the USSR would know a thing or two about lefties.
Have to say my first reaction was surprise that the figure wasn't higher. And in fact, it turns out, it's not that unrepresentative...

View attachment 545492

Which also surprised me. 18%. Who knew?

I'd be equally surprised to hear that that public school proportion remains constant all the way up the greasy pole. I stand to be corrected, but I'd be very surprised if not only the Top Jobs but good jobs in every department display a marked Public School bias. It often ends up being what you know, but it almost always starts with who you know. Particularly at hard core Establishment institutions like the BBC.

And I speak as one who believes passionately in the BBC.

Stuart Maconie, also a fan of the BBCs better points, has a few things to say about the BBC and class and its recruitment policies in this highly recomended (by me) book.

Amazon product ASIN 1529102413View: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nanny-State-Me-Stuart-Maconie/dp/1529102413/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3JMJ8NYXEDSDI&dchild=1&keywords=stuart+maconie+the+nanny+state&qid=1599292879&sprefix=stuart+maconie%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-1


On the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation breakfast show this morning they were doing a piece all bout Covid Travel restrictions in different parts of the UK.

All was going well, Welsh policy under a Welsh flag, Scottish policy under a Scottish flag and English policy under an English flag.

And then the policy of Northern Ireland under a Republican Tricolour!!

Now I wonder if this is the result of ignorance to other parts of the UK or what appears to me the BBC policy of employing quota personnel who may not have a knowledge of the UK.
Feel your anger...it's a bit like when there in say Derry and they call it Londonderry 🙄


Smash the cistern
pedantry fail... it's not called Lake Windermere, never has been, and never will be :okay:
You're happy with Windermere lake though right? Or would you have just Windermere for the lake and Windermere Town for the town specifically?

Anyway, pedantry fail backatcha. It is called Lake Windermere, by many people. It may not be officially named Lake Windermere, but it is called that.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
You're happy with Windermere lake though right? Or would you have just Windermere for the lake and Windermere Town for the town specifically?

Anyway, pedantry fail backatcha. It is called Lake Windermere, by many people. It may not be officially named Lake Windermere, but it is called that.
'mere' denotes it as a body of water, the town is named after it. Again, it's not called Lake Windermere or Windermere Lake... it's a mere!


Smash the cistern
'mere' denotes it as a body of water, the town is named after it. Again, it's not called Lake Windermere or Windermere Lake... it's a mere!
It is a lake. It is called Lake Windermere by many people.

But again, the name of a thing is not the thing. Regardless of what name you call it by, it is a lake.

I'd ignore him monty and go for that drink.
At the end of all this he'll probably say he was joking/ironic/winding you up.
Better things to do - like ride a bike.


Smash the cistern
I'd ignore him monty and go for that drink.
At the end of all this he'll probably say he was joking/ironic/winding you up.
Better things to do - like ride a bike.
No, it literally is a lake and people literally call it Lake Windermere. No joke. No irony. Literal truth.
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