We Are Too Nice

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A month or 2 back I saw a pack of cyclists riding peloton style down a country lane (note they weren't racing) These boys should have known better. Really pished me off :angry:


Openly Marxist
A month or 2 back I saw a pack of cyclists riding peloton style down a country lane (note they weren't racing) These boys should have known better. Really pished me off :angry:

Perhaps they were training. I don't see what your problem is.


Perhaps they were training. I don't see what your problem is.

Training. Well I'm training when I go out on sat morn runs.

Are you allowed to break the law and, more importantly become a danger to other road users by using training as an excuse then?


Training. Well I'm training when I go out on sat morn runs.

Are you allowed to break the law and, more importantly become a danger to other road users by using training as an excuse then?

Riding 2 abreast is not breaking the law though, is it?

It is also better for the driver as they don't have a whole club-run strung out one-by-one to overtake.

Where I live (in the country) I often drive past club runs. I prefer them to be in groups.

I find starting by slowing right down and not trying to overtake immediately makes them realise I am "on their side". They then tend to organise themselves into groups so it is easier to overtake. I rarely do though (and this is a serious point) as there are often a series of drivers behind an inch from my tail - thinking they are Lewis Hamilton - and must get past this group of cyclists in the next few hundred metres on a Sunday morning.

I almost feel like a protector - I'd rather stay behind a rider / group if some driver behind me is acting a bit racey.

I've been driving for 27 years and never missed an appointment because of a cyclist.


Openly Marxist
Training. Well I'm training when I go out on sat morn runs.

Are you allowed to break the law and, more importantly become a danger to other road users by using training as an excuse then?

It's by no means clear from your post that they were a danger to other road users or breaking the law. You appeared to be annoyed simply by their riding in a pack.


It's by no means clear from your post that they were a danger to other road users or breaking the law. You appeared to be annoyed simply by their riding in a pack.

See above.

Clearly peloton style means 2 abreast to some of you.:biggrin:


Openly Marxist
See above.

Clearly peloton style means 2 abreast to some of you.:biggrin:

Riding more than two abreast is not illegal - it's just something the HC advises that you shouldn't do. It also says you 'should' wear a helmet and flourescent clothes, and not carry things which might affect your balance. Do transgressions against this advice get you all excited as well?


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
I find starting by slowing right down and not trying to overtake immediately makes them realise I am "on their side". They then tend to organise themselves into groups so it is easier to overtake.
That matches my experience too.


Lover of things that come in 3's
I agree with the top down approach, we get plenty of advertising campaigns around speeding, driving tired, drink driving, drug driving and using mobiles. These are all part of the rules of the road which, assuming a licence is held, a driver should already know. Yet I can't remember any campaign that explained the rights of other road users. Again drivers are meant to know these but my experiences would indicate otherwise. As would a quick read of 'news' articles, comments sections, a gazillion forums and the stuff shouted at cyclists by random drivers.

Re the OP and riding two abreast, I do this most frequently if out teaching one of the boys how to ride on the road. They'd normally be ahead of me and I'll be encouraging them to move out from the gutter. I think they're all heartily sick of me telling them of the dangers of pedal strike on the kerb and the problems around gutter riding. To shield them I would normally be in the middle of the lane and I've never had abuse from a driver over this, in fact quite the opposite. I'm sure this is partly due to the more residential roads being ridden but swap my son for an adult rider and I bet I'd get abuse.

Personally I find riding side by side with someone far superior to single file.


Riding more than two abreast is not illegal - it's just something the HC advises that you shouldn't do. It also says you 'should' wear a helmet and flourescent clothes, and not carry things which might affect your balance. Do transgressions against this advice get you all excited as well?

The HC uses the words must not for riding > 2 abreast. Not the word should

Do you understand the difference between the two? :rolleyes:


Openly Marxist
The HC uses the words must not for riding > 2 abreast. Not the word should

Do you understand the difference between the two? :rolleyes:

You should
  • [...]
  • never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends
It's already been quoted by your mate Bruce upthread. Keep up!


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
I can see where you are coming from, but being pig headed about it will only increase your own blood pressure and stress, not to mention the bad will it will cause.

If you want to get back at them, do as BM suggests. get a helmet camera, get them on video and post it (along with reg details).

Mickle linked to the bad driver site recently. It is flawed and open to abuse. However, a similar site requiring video footage could be an option. Bring all of the video together might increase publicity of the issues and the likelihood of the drivers finding the videos.

Just a thought....
Now that, my good man, is an excellent idea. Off you go then... and let us all know when you're done. :thumbsup:

Seriously though, should be fairly simple to let YouTube/A.N.Other video hosting site to host the vid, then just have a site that stores reg plates/incident details etc. and links to the vids elsewhere. User could search by Reg and "add" a new incident to those already in the system... build up a picture of bad driving by location/vehicle type etc.

If a single driver gets more than a certain number of vids attached to them (well, their car - they might have sold it to some other nutter though) then it may lend weight to any Police action for repeated bad driving.
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