Wearing glasses as a fashion accessory

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Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
My sister's pal used to do that about 20 years ago. Then she got into wearing coloured contacts that were purely to give her bluer eyes.

Mind you, I had a glasses-wearing mate at school who wanted designer frames instead of the cheap ones he had. So he paid a mate £30 for his old frames, and then used sellotape to hold his lenses in them because they were completely the wrong shape. They may have been designer, but the lenses being too big & held on by tape made him look like a tramp rather than a trendy dude ;)


Legendary Member
My first pair of glasses when I was at school were of the Buddy Holly type. Any kids that needed glasses had them as they were available free to under sixteens at the time. My modern lightweight metal framed specs might look better but are nowhere near as strong.


New Member
I wear proper sunglasses as a fashion accessory, even at work during the day.

I am a sentient seer and in the cold light of day I need such chattels to protect my soul from the pain of some and the frighteningly beautiful aura of others.


Abitrary said:
I am a sentient seer and in the cold light of day I need such chattels to protect my soul from the pain of some and the frighteningly beautiful aura of others.
I'd recommend varifocals for that.


User1314 said:
Morrisey used to wear fake glasses didn't he?

I believe so. As a homage to someone or other. Can't be arsed googling it to find out though.

I could well imagine, in my sensitive youth, I might have done something similar. Not designer stuff though, unless it found its way on to jumble tables, and certainly nothing expensive.


New Member
ianrauk said:
Young chap just come into the office, wearing a pair of nice glasses. I asked about them and he told me that he wears them for fashion & that he has normal eyesight and that they just have clear lenses.

Kid's today eh?

they're really annoying.especially those who'd wear it in school to have that genius-nerd look.:angry:
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