Weight loss pills etc

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I have a feeling such a large amount of caffeine will increase your fatigue in the long run and completely bugger up the length and quality of your sleep, which may have a knock on effect on your depression. But if you are determined to try them then pay close attention to the strength and rate of your pulse and do not take further doses if these are not normal. Also stop all tea, coffee, soft drinks etc.

There's also a lot of tryptophan in cheese - it's why it gives you funny dreams!


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
well...I nearly got defeated at the first hurdle...couldnt get the lid off the grenade!...how stupid is this packaging?...fun though..Boooooom!

Took just one pill and havent stopped sneezing since:banghead:


Cycling Excusiast
Oh BOAB mate, I really do have some reservations about this stuff, I echo what Becs says- bad, bad news...

I think if you find that the SSRI's aren't working for you I understand the need to come off them. This will take a bit of time and it seems like you're stacking it all up together and not giving yourself room to do it. Ie too many goals together. Basically, if you're riding it will produce endorphins and serotonin, (as well as others such as dopamine and GABA) however if you're depleted already or as an effect of the medication the uptake of Serotonin is inhibited to allow more to float around in your system. Wait for this to clear up first as you may be using up more of your current stores of Serotonin or what not (as they are associated). The grenade is not going to address the issue and to be frank may well worsen the case with fatigue..you're messing around with your body, the different energy uses etc are not at their normal capcity right now. Seriously,. give yourself time, at 6 months you will be able to ride the amount you want until then take it easy on yourself.

Trust me I am speaking from experience of being exhausted and fatigued - I was in bed for three weeks straight - it feels like it's never going to get better but that is just the mind telling you things that keeps you negatie. In the scheme of things you need to do what you need to do but a period of a few months might be what you need to rebalance yourself..all the best with it mate, it's not easy.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
yep..I hear you mate..thing is I've been on this stuff for years not months..and I've been reducing it over a period of a year already..so...I'm fed up with this stuff dictating what i can and cant do..so...I guess it's a case of let's just see what happens if I change something because the not changing anyhting is simply keeping me in th esame position and I dont like that. I'm only going to take half the suggested dose and only on days when I ride a good distance.

Have jus tbeen out and got a load of turkey and a whey protien shake mix...for getting the trpto wots name into me..lets see if it helps..


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
2 days in and so far so good..I havent noticed any increase in anxiety and the fatigue is a bit lower...enough to get me in the pool and doing 100 lengths today....but I'm about ready to pass out in a heap now ha ha!....I'm only doing 2 pills aday atm though...and today was one of the 'good days' fatigue wise.

Cant be doing with that silly grenade packaging though...so it's toast. Actually i'm surprised they can get away with it..it's totally appealling to the average 8-14 year old lad...

would look great next to their blue stratus I guess.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
i have been drinking green tea by th ebucketfull recently...i used to drink it all th etime just because i like it..i never really knew of its weight loss qualities


Melksham, Wilts

Thats what you need. Good luck with the mental illness and the willy shriking though.


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Melksham, Wilts
Amphetamines although great for suppressing hunger have a number of rather horrid side effects one of which is making your willy smaller whilst under its effects. Something to do with vasoconstriction maybe? And I would highly recommend that ephedrine is left alone as I seem to remember someone mentioning it in this thread.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
I checked on the label for the grenade and it says nothing about penis size reduction:laugh: ....might not be such a bad thing in my case anyway:eek::stop: J O K E A L E R T.

who is that in the picture?


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
BOAB, you said in an earlier post that you're managing to do 75-100 miles a week. That isn't a small amount of exercise. I've lost 2 stone over the last 9 months doing that kind of mileage and eating sensibly.

If you really are taking in a sensible amount of calories, you should be able to lose weight easily at that exercise level. (My partner is on Citalopram for anxiety, she cycles a similar distance each week - maybe up to 120 miles some weeks - and the weight drops off her if she doesn't take care to eat enough. Her BMI is already down to 19, and she doesn't want it to get any lower, so she boosts her calorie intake by eating cake twice a day on top of her 3 meals and healthy snacks.)

My point is, it sounds like there might be something else wrong that's stopping you losing weight. Taking these tablets might help in the short term, but if there is an underlying problem, you may find it gets worse if you don't find out what it is and deal with it.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
yeah i had thought the same thing...so I had th edocs do some tests..thyroid etc...and they are all clear. I think it may just be in my genes...well actually I am convinced its the meds still...my nervous system was shot to crap ...and they put me on citalopram...which is jus tabout the worst thing they could have done for anxiety...which shot to uncontrollable levels at 60mg...which i was on for a few years. As the dosage drops the anxiety reduces dramatically making my point that they cause not help anxiety in my experience.

Anxiety isnt something that can be cured by a pill...it has to do with the amigdala in your brian..the fear centre if you will. I have been working on re setting that to 'normal ' levels...following something called the lindon method...google it..it works. The only way to cure (not mask) anxiety (and I mean serious extreme level anxiety not jus t massive nerves) is to re programme the amigdala..to do this you have to override the fear...reject it..and do it constantly..in every action, word yopu do. IN fact me even talking about it on hear is breaking one of the 9 pillars of the lindon method.

Withdrawel from citalopram for me has led to EXTREME fatigue...comotosed sometimes...it feels like that anyway..dont forget im not dropping from a small dose like 20mg 60mg for 3 years is HIGH dose...my gp tells me many many people at that dose never come off it.
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