What is the obsession with going faster and faster?

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Über Member
Malaga, Spain
i cant help it. every morning i think to myself " i ll take a nice leisurely ride in today. really enjoy the ride" especially if the weathers nice, but as soon as im on the bike i go like the clappers. Whats that all about?

In my case, it was usually because I was late.

Deleted member 1258

Morning Commute? Every Day is a Time Trial.

If I want to do a time trial I'll turn out on the club 10 on a summers Thursday night I wont try it on my commute.When I'm commuting I'm just using the bike for transport I wont be pushing myself, If I want to push myself I'll do it on a Sunday Ride when I'm in cycling clothes.
I blame cycle computers.

Back in the 70s and 80s, I had a cable-driven Huret speedometer on my handlebar. It was an analogue device with a flicky needle that told me little of any value.

Nonetheless, I used it as absolute proof of (for example) 40 mph in Richmond Park. I believe I was nowhere near that figure. No data storage though... so I could ignore it when I wanted to.

Now, however.... even my cheapo Cateye Strada Cadence tells me all sorts of gubbins I used not to care about. Now I care about it way too much.

Sometimes (this is particular to the model I have) it chides me with comparisons to speeds or times I managed on some earlier ride. It does so in a strange amalgam of Hollywood Russian accents and I'm sure I hear it inhale from a cigarette in an ebony holder as it speaks....

Pity, then, the owners of these absurd multi-media, GPS-turbine-powered, blood-dope-monitoring Garmin-Strava-Omnicyclitude devices that they clip onto their handlebar, bicep, wheel and aero-hat. These poor saps are the perpetual slaves of a device whose every admonishment they fear but whose data-hungry antennae they dare not de-activate. The joy-leach computer is drinking every drop of pleasure from their very veins.

I imagine such machines having a slightly squeaky German accent, borrowed from the leather-coated but slightly effeminate Gestapo interrogator of Hollywood past. No smoker's inhaling rasp, but the occasional click from the heel of their riding boots.

Thanks for offering, but I do not need a doctor just now. I need to do something about my average on that last blast to the shops.

Carry on.

Deleted member 1258

Everyone seems to be faster than me.:cry:

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