What podcasts are you listening to?

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Isca Dumnoniorum
What are CCer's favourite podcasts?
I'm on the road quite alot for work & find radio a bit tedious.
I listen to alot of podcasts on BBC Sounds, G F Newmans the corrupted was a great listen. Other favourites, 13 Minutes to the Moon, The Fake Heiress & of course The Archers.
It tends to be cycling or training podcasts I listen to. I probably listen to the Trainer Road one most.


Senior Member
TrainerRoad podcasts, all of them
Marginal Gains Podcast - Amazing if you care about drive train perfection.

Then some non-cycling stuff. Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Ocassionally Joe Rogan but only when he has people I want to listen to on.
No Such Thing as a Fish, My Dad Wrote a Porno, Wittertainment, This American Life, Radiolab have been my staples for years. More recent additions to my feed are Things Fell Apart from John Ronson on BBC Sounds as well as Americast and Fortunately. Death in Ice Valley and The Missing Crypto Queen were also excellent.


Über Member
I too find podcasts good listening when out & about.
* Agree with Wittertainment, i.e. “Kermode & Mayo’s Film reviewl. A good long episode most weeks. I’m not really a film goer, but very entertaining.
* Science-based ones, some more serious than others:
- “The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe”
- “Terrible Lizards”
- anything with Dr. Karl.
- “The Infinite Monkey Cage”
* “History in the Bible” - a non-believer looking at what modern scholarship says about the bible. One of my favourites.
* Radio 4’s “In Out Time”. 20 years of episodes, nearly all of them fascinating.

Just a few of my favourites.
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