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Legendary Member
Casualty...or maybe it's Holby? I dunno, either way, it's cr@p . My wife is watching it.
Gonna do something more interesting, like nailing my eyelids to a telegraph pole with bent nails and a broken hammer.:crazy:


Just finished game of thrones :wahhey:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Anyone watch Westworld? I saw the 1st episode and it was promising if not a little confusing.
Yes - an interesting subversion of expectations in the first part, I thought - and it seemed to grasp that not everyone visiting would want to play the hero, which I think is a realistic departure from the film.

They sort of ruined that conceit by revealing that that particular guest had a bigger plan though.

Some questions already being raised around the ethics of the "hosts" in the park, their creation and use by the owners.


Über Member
Just watched 'Shooting Bigfoot, America's Monster Hunters' on BBC 4's iPlayer

Really didn't fancy it, though really enjoyed it and film maker Morgan Matthews has done a real good job here

Mad crazy people all the way and pretty scary in parts!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Anyone watch Westworld? I saw the 1st episode and it was promising if not a little confusing.
Last night i watched the original movie followed by episode one of the TV series... blimey. It's a slow burner isn't it? Seems to have borrowed more heavily from Joss Weedon's Dollhouse rather than Westworld. I'll give episode two a look but I'm not convinced that this is worth bothering with.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Revolution S2 (Amazon Prime)

This dependably average series rumbles on, managing to be tantalisingly close to S.M. Stirling's Emberverse, but just far enough from it to be consistently annoying (possibly not a problem other viewers have). Not great, but not terrible either.

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
Just finished game of thrones :wahhey:
I'm waiting for Season 6!:addict::addict::hyper:
Watched a bit of the 'Ambulance' programme, about the London Ambulance Service

The only difference to what we see delivered to us, & Yorkshire Anbulance Service tell us, is the locality & the accents

Sadly, ParaMedics have no discretion to say "No" to a patient, if that patient, with the 4 week old cough wants to come to A&E, they have to ring them

However, then..... because they've come by AmbuTaxi. they expect to be seen straight away


The other day, I saw a patients relative getting all grumpy, but not abusive, because the GP had sent them in as a 'direct admission to the Surgical team
It was seemingly expected that they'd be waiting to whisk them off to a bed, & be attended to immediately

Sadly, it was deemed, by relative, that the GP (10 miles away???) knew what was happening in the Hospital far better than the A&E Sister (& a Consultant) with 30+ years experience between them

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Designated Survivor (Netflix)

Superior tosh indeed, this, with Jack Bauer President Kirkman making some tough decisions this episode. The political elements are what lift it out of "24 in the Captiol" territory, I think, and so far, it's been very entertaining.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
iZombie S1 (Netflix)

A nice twist on the Zombie mythos, with a newly turned zombie discovering that she gains the memories and attributes of the people whose brains she eats. As she works in a Police morgue, this turns out to be quite handy for solving crimes. That covers the episode long stories, and the longer arc is about encountering other people affected by the outbreak, as well as the sometimes nefarious means they are using to obtain their food. I think it could do without the rather pat summing up monologues at the end of the episodes, but it's entertaining and the cast are great. Better than average, for my money.
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