What type of food

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NCE West Wales
You will find me posting a lot of silly questions on here as a newbie so I apologise in advance........

Quick one on the right foods to eat. If I have a morning club ride (Sundays 8 o clock) I tend to have a huge bowl of porridge about half hour before I leave and I take a banana and a couple of my wifes homemade flapjacks for the journey. If an afternoon or evening ride I eat a decent sized bowl of pasta. ....A lot of my newbie friends take bag fulls of Haribo or sugary sweets. Although a good energy booster, this idea of lots of sweets doesn't sit well with me. Just wondered what you guys eat before and during riding
Normal breakfast - either cereal with a banana chopped in, or toast, or sometimes porridge. For rides under three hours I don't usually take any food - just a 750ml bottle with Ribena or orange squash.


Cycling Excusiast
You're right about the sweets- only really a good option if you're in need of a last ditch attempt at energy.

The things you're taking along are good, maybe some protein based nuts and seeds or bars with them in. Plenty of healthy unsaturated fats from nuts etc will be good.
In terms of the pasta, do you have protein in it? You probably need some good quality protein - lean meat/fish or soya/lentils/eggs if you're veggie for repairing the muscles after a big ride.


Cycling Excusiast
If you like avocadoes, eat those, you'll need a good balance of protein, carbs and fats and that will keep you healthy.

Ben M

Senior Member
You sound like you're already doing the right things. One thing I will add is that it is important to eat a mix of protein and carbs after a ride (within an hour).


NCE West Wales
You sound like you're already doing the right things. One thing I will add is that it is important to eat a mix of protein and carbs after a ride (within an hour).
Cheers. Must admit that iv never really thought about what I eat after a ride...... Generally crap as im usually starving. Will take that on board

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Good point on avoiding the sugary stuff.. Only good short term, most sugars. You are on the right track with what you are eating. Many suggest that any ride longer than an hour should have some food along the way, but I have more tendency to eat on 2 or 3 hour rides, not so much shorter ones.


Senior Member
If you need all that, you must be working too hard.
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