what weight should i be

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im 5ft 10 and now weigh 11st 13 id like to put a bit of weight back on but at the moment im cycling well but im not looking to good im looking drawn.so what size could i get away with being or will i suffer more on the bike. whats the average weight for a cyclist at this height.


Guess it depends on your build, but you're not exactly underweight at almost 12 stones. I'm an inch or so shorter than you and weigh 10st 7lb. I'm quite lean, but nothing like as lean as a pro cyclist for example.

Maybe your wife is a feeder?


its because i used to be 14and a half stone rugby player but now im a 11st 13 and it doesnt suit me because every body saying i look ill


its because i used to be 14and a half stone rugby player but now im a 11st 13 and it doesnt suit me because every body saying i look ill

That's a very common reaction, especially from wives, when men loose weight. I thinks it's largely because they look different, and that is equated with illness for some reason.

The fact is you're not ill - you're probably a lot healthier. If you've switched from rugby to cycling then it's absolutely appropriate that the body weight has reduced accordingly.

I think there's also an element of envy mixed it there as well!


your ideal weight should be 10-11st.

go to boots and measure yourself, including body fat, then show the receipt to your wife.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Erm, I'm 5-9 and 12 stone and A FEW BITS...78 kgs... (I have gone metric at last for body weight...)

What cycling do you do, how often, how many miles ?

It's not how you look, it's how you go. :biggrin:

Pro cyclists are seriously...skinny - scary - I saw the guys walking about last year at the Tour of Turkey . FFS.. nowt left of them..

Chris James

Über Member
I'm 5 foot 11.5 in and weigh 11 stone 7.

I wouldn't say 11 stone 13 is particularly light for your height. I know body mass index has a poor reputation now but bad my bad maths you are right at the TOP end of 'normal' with BMI of 24 (normal is 18.5 - 24.9)


Fan Boy No More.
That's a very common reaction, especially from wives, when men loose weight. I thinks it's largely because they look different, and that is equated with illness for some reason.

The fact is you're not ill - you're probably a lot healthier.
If you've switched from rugby to cycling then it's absolutely appropriate that the body weight has reduced accordingly.

I think there's also an element of envy mixed it there as well!

+1 SPOT ON !


Erm, I'm 5-9 and 12 stone and A FEW BITS...78 kgs... (I have gone metric at last for body weight...)

What cycling do you do, how often, how many miles ?

It's not how you look, it's how you go. :biggrin:

Pro cyclists are seriously...skinny - scary - I saw the guys walking about last year at the Tour of Turkey . FFS.. nowt left of them..

im thinking about road racing im in a club and im doing well on hills at the moment with the weight ive lost i do about 150 miles a week at the moment i do one hard day then one easy and i dont train on fri and sat and do a long ride at the weekend with the club.Ive been dieting for the last few months though and ive been a bit nigaley around the house and starving myself.


Bird Saviour
i agree with your wife! go back and play some more rugby!

i'm 6ft and 11st 6 and look skinny (well almost skinny if it wasn't for this damn huge ass).

you are too skinny. eat some chips and chocolate (but not together, coz that's just weird)

my mum always asks me why i don't go out with cyclists. i tell her they are too skinny. Sorry, not meant to offend, but it's just the way it is, i want some beef! i don't want someone i can beat in an arm wrestle. i need some Grrrrr!



Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well I'm 6' 1", a pretty solid medium build and the last time I was 12 st 7 lbs, I still had a couple of inches of fat round my waist!

Mind you, I didn't have much upper body muscle. I had strong cyclist's legs, but was skinny on top except for that annoying mini-paunch.


Lover of things that come in 3's
I'm 6'1" and have been various weights, when I played rugby I was rarely below 13.5 stone and normally between 14 and 14.5. When I stopped playing rugby I settled down at around 11.5 stone, I trained and swam a lot then though. My weight then sort of crept up over the years, marriage, children and work limited my training time and I got lazy/idle. For a long time I was between 14 and 15 stone without doing any exercise then I started to work out again and things were going in the right direction. Cue elbow break, ballsed up recovery due to my own stupidity/impatience, followed by long wait for surgery and hello couch potato land.

My main exercises before the break were golf and situps/chinups, doesn't sound a lot but it kept the demons at bay. I then rose to 18.5 stone before taking up cycling in desperation, that worked fantastically and I again reached 14 stone and still heading downwards. But a job change which removed my long commute and some further elbow problems set me back a bit, crept back up over 16 stone. Started to get back in to it and then had an off, entirely my own fault, and cracked a bone in hand/wrist(same arm as the elbow, both of which had been broken in childhood as well), hey presto I went back to 18.5 stone. Just about 17 stone now and still heading in the right direction, but kicking myself for all the backsliding...no excuses, greedy/depressive bastard that loves food.

But I've had it all from friends/relatives...oh you're too fat, oh you've lost too much, oh don't lose anymore, oh you don't want to over do it. Ignore them all, listen to what your body tells you, how you feel and to any professional medical advice. At 14 stone and playing rugby I was fine, at 14 stone and not playing I was overweight. When you first get down to a new weight your body needs time to settle and others need time to get used to your appearance. We don't lose weight in a uniform manner and the settling period gets longer as you get older.

I'm aiming for 12 stone and I don't expect to look skinny at that weight. Have a look at the heights and weights of boxers, cage fighters and the like, people that you wouldn't class as puny/skinny. Your weight now would put you in that sort of bracket and you'd be considered heavyish for endurance work.
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