What's your next Audax?

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Ajax Bay

East Devon
Two or three inches of snow Friday and have to expect ice am Saturday.
Warming up from -3 as you ride the first two hours and enjoy the descents into Winchcombe and Bishop's Cleeve.
Rather than those two I'd push on and down Stanway Hill and go via Tewkesbury to Newent (stays on main roads which will have been salted/gritted and well driven), but maybe there's an info to force the recommended route.
Should get above zero by Newent, and lovely light/no winds.
Was a challenge in 2018 ( https://yacf.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=96074.200 ) - less than 15 finished (but there was a fresh wind as well as snow and sub-zero till 9am and after 8pm). I was due to ride over Exmoor on a 200. Two started (I went to the start) but both DNF, one getting part way up onto the moor before turning around.
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Active Member
Thanks for all the local advise, weather is looking marginally improved but still has potential for problems and I will reconsider again at the start.
I will head for the A44 up to Salway then A436 in to Stow. Taking up on Ajax Bays suggestion using the B4077/A46/A438 and back south A38 into Deerhurst Walton, via Tewkesbury as I dont fancy any fast descents in wet/freezing conditions or frozen single track lanes. Hopefully if I can get to Newent the temp will have risen by then to make the rest of the ride ice free. I fear from Chepstow onwards it may become wet as rain moves in from the West, hopefully it stays as rain.


Active Member
Long version:
Well the advice was sound!
At 5 am the car park was frozen and I was very undecided on whether to continue but left just before 6 am after much frozen fingered pfaffage with mudguards and GPS. The A44/436 was quiet and off the gritted top still frozen, but it was the right choice into Stow, where I made my second error in not actually drinking my coffee.
The roads into Newent whilst wet were ok and it felt good to have made the first crossing of the river. At the control I bought just a sandwich (e3), as my water bottle was still full!
Onwards and into the forest of Dean, which was wet and still had frozen sludge in places so care was needed on the few descents amongst the many many hills. My plan had been to cycle through to Chepstow and eat there, but I spotted a Fish & Chip shop at the top of the long hill up to Bream where I stopped and enjoyed hot chips with peas then I turned down their kind offer to refill my all but frozen bidon (e4) which was stiill 3/4 full! Nearing Chepstow and within sight of the bridge the sleet started and I was getting colder and wetter, at this point I was aiming for the services on the east side to refuel and rest as I was still in time but could feel my energy dropping quickly; the hill into the centre of Chepstow became a bigger problem than I expected, and the haul over the Severn bridge which I had been looking forward too only offered driving sleet and a stiff side wind. At this point I knew it was time to consider options. At Severn services I finally bought a drink, but the wrong one (e5), drinking half I threw away the water I'd been carrying from Oxford and decanted the energy drink but within 5 minutes of leaving I knew it was a critical error as all I now had to drink was making feel increasingly unwell.
Knowing the next control was still +40km away I made the call that I knew was threatening as I crossed the bridge and rang for a lift to be waiting for me in Malmsbury. Cresting the hill up to the Somerset monument I knew it was the right option as my speed had dropped and my legs were not recovering in between hills, I crawled into Control 4 (Malmsbury) as it got dark, my Coop receipt showing 6 minutes in hand. In the town square sheltering under the market cross and waiting for a warm car I watched others making their own brave decisions.

Error 1. Rationing how much chilled water I was sipping to prevent stomach cramps I completely failed to recognise how little I was actually drinking. Despite all my planning and then concentrating in the saddle on tweaks to my gps. route and the road conditions I forgot the most basic of rules, to keep hydrated.
250ml of water was never going to get me to the 300km finish.....Disappointed but ride and learn.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Error 1. Rationing how much chilled water I was sipping to prevent stomach cramps I completely failed to recognise how little I was actually drinking. Despite all my planning and then concentrating in the saddle on tweaks to my gps. route and the road conditions I forgot the most basic of rules, to keep hydrated.
250ml of water was never going to get me to the 300km finish.....Disappointed but ride and learn.

Combination of cold and wet is Type 2 fun. More calories in milk than Gatorade/other sugar drinks. Why would cold water generate stomach cramps - is this something you've discovered? Only one bottle?


Long version:
Well the advice was sound!
At 5 am the car park was frozen and I was very undecided on whether to continue but left just before 6 am after much frozen fingered pfaffage with mudguards and GPS. The A44/436 was quiet and off the gritted top still frozen, but it was the right choice into Stow, where I made my second error in not actually drinking my coffee.
The roads into Newent whilst wet were ok and it felt good to have made the first crossing of the river. At the control I bought just a sandwich (e3), as my water bottle was still full!
Onwards and into the forest of Dean, which was wet and still had frozen sludge in places so care was needed on the few descents amongst the many many hills. My plan had been to cycle through to Chepstow and eat there, but I spotted a Fish & Chip shop at the top of the long hill up to Bream where I stopped and enjoyed hot chips with peas then I turned down their kind offer to refill my all but frozen bidon (e4) which was stiill 3/4 full! Nearing Chepstow and within sight of the bridge the sleet started and I was getting colder and wetter, at this point I was aiming for the services on the east side to refuel and rest as I was still in time but could feel my energy dropping quickly; the hill into the centre of Chepstow became a bigger problem than I expected, and the haul over the Severn bridge which I had been looking forward too only offered driving sleet and a stiff side wind. At this point I knew it was time to consider options. At Severn services I finally bought a drink, but the wrong one (e5), drinking half I threw away the water I'd been carrying from Oxford and decanted the energy drink but within 5 minutes of leaving I knew it was a critical error as all I now had to drink was making feel increasingly unwell.
Knowing the next control was still +40km away I made the call that I knew was threatening as I crossed the bridge and rang for a lift to be waiting for me in Malmsbury. Cresting the hill up to the Somerset monument I knew it was the right option as my speed had dropped and my legs were not recovering in between hills, I crawled into Control 4 (Malmsbury) as it got dark, my Coop receipt showing 6 minutes in hand. In the town square sheltering under the market cross and waiting for a warm car I watched others making their own brave decisions.

Error 1. Rationing how much chilled water I was sipping to prevent stomach cramps I completely failed to recognise how little I was actually drinking. Despite all my planning and then concentrating in the saddle on tweaks to my gps. route and the road conditions I forgot the most basic of rules, to keep hydrated.
250ml of water was never going to get me to the 300km finish.....Disappointed but ride and learn.

Always have a cuppa tea, coke, beer when your eating that way any fluids on the bike are additional!
I find energy drinks with electrolytes god for cramp.

Fiona R

Formerly known as Cranky Knee Girl
N Somerset
Thanks to the Audax schedule I've never been there in Summer - it seems to be a constantly miserable place. Every road is either in a deep shady (and often petrifying) dank woody bit, or high up exposed to rain and wind off the Severn Estuary!

I've been fried and frozen in FoD Great place. I was glad I was there last weekend as I have no idea of it's visuals after Saturday, pitch black from Tewkesbury-ish to Ross/Chepstow and Bristol. All those hills in the dark, drizzle and major fog Ross on Wye - Chepstow. Local knowledge helped from Uffington on to Cotswolds/FoD etc with north side of bridge still closed, I got there at midnight and finished with 15 minutes in hand according to my lift, swore blind it was half an hour but a lot of faffing getting route right back to Warmley so the last 20km took forever. For once I got fueling and hydration right. For various reasons I spent too long at each of the three controls but in retrospect this probably helped me through as I had proper food and latte/tea/mocha three times.

It was about 0.5C at Warmley at 6am and roads dry, once over from Bath heading to Didcot relatively colder with frost on the fields so felt for The Dean contingent. sun came out briefly then freezing rain in Cotswolds, very cold and wet after descent to Toddington. It didn't rain as much as forecast after that. Once past Tewkesbury bailing wasn't an option.

Quite pleased with Goats Head Soup 160km +ECE, Mr Pickwick's March Madness 200km BRM and Railway Connections 312km BRM in the last 3 weekends. I am NOT doing Rough Diamond this weekend 😂
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Doing Double Dutch, Infinity beckons 200 this Sat. Was originally planning to be in an arrow team but the team collapsed when the captain decided they didn’t want to ride an arrow after all.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Was originally planning to be in an arrow team but the team collapsed when the captain decided they didn’t want to ride an arrow after all.
Irritating. As a previous 'captain' I found it reassuring to know that each person had bought a ticket, and had misgivings when one failed to share their departure time (aka have not bought a ticket 'yet'). Sure enough, on the Thursday morning (Fri 8am start), they had flu (or whatever). Of course this check doesn't work if it's the captain themself resiling.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Had a very soggy ride yesterday on a 200k DIY Exeter - Cheddar- Exeter. Three hours of steady rain and a final hour of biblical rain. Chose to use back lanes to avoid traffic so they were washed out, muddy, gravelly and kept going up and down. Very pleased to finish.
Very odd. I then we rode from 8 till 1 through Cranbrook and out to Churchinford and back with minimal precipitation. First hour was a bit cold. Rain must have stayed (mostly) north of the Blackdowns, till after 1pm.
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