When did you first hear of the internet

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and when did you first use it????

I worked with a guy in about 91/92 who was right into computers and would bang on about "bulletin boards" all the time. Baffled me at the time.

I would say I then first started using it at work about 93 but not until maybe 95 using it on a regular basis when I thought "mmm they are onto something here"

My work i.e looking for properties, plots of land etc.... would be so time consuming without it.


Legendary Member
late starter 1996


Cycling in the sun
I'm not sure ... I know we had a computer at home in the early 90's ... cost over £1000 and I remember Mr Summerdays finally convincing me - I thought it would be a one off payment not a constant dribble of funds for upgrades, motherboards etc. I suspect it was some time in the mid 90's when I started using the internet.

Me I wouldn't have been using it if it wasn't for being married to a techie guy. Apart from lap-tops that first computer is the only one we have bought as a complete package ... he has always built them up from the parts (my house is full of old parts of computers).


New Member
About 17 years ago my son at uni. could talk about nothing else. We kind of went along with him but could not see how watching a green or orange screen would catch on. He was using D.O.S. at that time I think? Our big change came with windows 3.1 when you got a proper O.S.


Smutmaster General
Had an Amstrad in 1990, but didn't use it for much. First started regularly using PC at work in 1993, and internet at work from 96. Got first 'proper' home PC (4 MB of RAM... wooo!) in 95, and connected to net at home in 1998.


Legendary Member
I heard of it in the early '90s but never actually used it until I started at college in '97.

75Mhz CPU, 16MB of RAM, Windows 95, Internet Explorer V3.1. Those were the days.


Legendary Member
The internet! It'll NEVER take off. I'll never use it since I don't have a compterputor and quite frankly, I don't think anyone else will ever use it. Ever!


Cycling in the sun
I remember the dial up internet... and my Dad coming around and browsing using our computer but not disconnecting ... we only found out we were still connected to the internet several hours later when we went to use the phone.

just jim

In the eighties I remember PC magazines with pictures of devices that the olde fashioned phone sat in alongside adverts for inscrutably expensive little boxes form Cambridge Computing. Intrigued by the film "Wargames" I thought this would be the future. Then I forgot all about it until 1997 when I used a search engine for the first time to look up "Doughnuts".


Cycling in the sun
At Uni in the 80's I remember one of my friends writing something that allowed us to chat across the university computers... my friends on my course were really impressed that I could chat to someone via the computer system - I of course hadn't a clue how it worked. That friend also got a computing ban for a term for some of the other stuff he wrote IIRC.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
1990 when I started work in the Centre For Speech Technology Research at Ed Uni after I graduated. There are still traces of me out there on the net from those days when I used to haunt the net bulletin boards! In fact, the origins of the IMdB used to contain a credit that said "based on an idea by Grant Mason", as I found out years later. I'm still wondering if I can claim the backdated millions owed to me for my intellectual property rights...
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