When did you last send or receive a postcard

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Blimey I can't remember the last time I received one.Mind you everyone I know nowadays never goes abroad on holiday or even in this country with money being so tight


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Postcards used to be quite a big business with lots of competition from wholesalers. We sold a lot in our shop.
No idea what all those people will now turn to for business.
No idea when I last sent or received one and I have not noticed them on prominent display at any of the multitude of touroid exploiting shops.

Chris S

Legendary Member
I sent two to my Aunts in 2019 from Llangollen. I eventually found a shop that sold a few, they used to be everywhere when I was a child. One thing I noticed was that they had panoramic views that couldn't be captured on a smart phone, e.g. the Pontcysyllte aqueduct.

Low Gear Guy

Mrs LGG likes to send postcards to older relatives. Each year it gets more difficult to find postcards, stamps and postboxes. This year, the French Post Office had a security system which kept people out of the building if staff didn't like the look of them. Also, the Post box at Gare du Nord was in a different position to that on the station map.


Legendary Member
Maybe three years.mother in law was housebound so whenever i went out i sent her a postcard,Otley,Boston Spa,Wetherby,York all the places i used to go,Knaresborough was another.Sadly no more she has passed away.


Firm and Fruity
So even with the aged demographic of CC, the postcard seems to have gone the way of the fax machine and VHS.


Legendary Member
I have a couple of long-term penpals so often do send or receive post cards if anyone has been away anywhere interesting.

I know it's stupid in a way but I often buy one to add to my own collection of the places I've been cycle-touring.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Did anyone else find that postcards were a complete PITA?
Nice to receive them, but I remember the normal line when telling friends or family you were going on holiday - "Don't forget to send us a postcard!". So half a day of holiday was spent tracking down suitable PC's, then trying to figure out how much postage was required, where to get stamps, then actually writing something funny and original, and different on each card. Once that was done - find somewhere to post them! It is one old tradition I am not sorry to see the back of. Two minutes to send a photo and a couple of lines on a few WhatsApp group chats has it covered these days.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull

Postcards are going extinct. Smart phones, social media and the price of stamps are all to blame.
So when did you last send or receive a postcard? I suspect I haven’t done either for well over 15 years.
Soon no one will know the feeling of getting a post card weeks after the sender returned home.

A couple of weeks ago. Love sending them. Far superior to get them than a link to hundreds of boring photos, as the person on holiday can’t edit out the crap they took. Less is more.
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