when does it get easier !

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New Member
After sitting in traffic to get get to the office for the last 15 years i now have a job 3 miles from home and cycle in every day. There is a slight incline the whole way there and as such its far harder getting to work than it is home.

What surprises me though is that at the start it was taking me around 17 - 18 mins to the journey and now after 3 weeks its taking me 25 mins and hurts far more.
When will this get easier and quicker as i really dont want to give up and get back in the car. Oh im 44 years old and 16 stone by the way, and size 38" waist. also is there anything i can do to help, ie: supplements



Senior Member
Remember that age is against you to certain degree, so don't try and kill yourself on every ride. If you're not doing so already, mix up slower rides where you spin an easy gear with ones when you really feel you're working hard, giving your body a chance to recover. Take the odd day or two off every now and again. You don't get fitter by constantly hammering your body into the ground, without giving it a chance to rebuild itself. If I have time off the bike it takes me at least a month (two rides of 25-40 miles a week) to get back to anything approaching fitness. And I don't time myself, or use a computer or obsess over my average speed, I just know I'm fitter as I'm pushing a bigger gear for the same amount of perceived exertion.

If you're eating a healthy diet you shouldn't need to take supplements. My way of thinking is, diet to lose weight, and exercise to get fit.

In case you think I find it easy btw, I'm a 45 and watch what I eat to stay under ten stone, but it's still taken me six months to be able to build up to running three miles (slowly) without something hurting!


Well-Known Member
If you hadn't previously done much exercise it may be the cumulitive effect of suddenly exercising that has caused some aches that have slowed you down. Whatever you do, don't give in. Take it steady and allow some recovery time but keep at it. Personally, I'd look at how far/long in 6 mnths or even a year's time. Then you'll realise how far you've come. In the meantime, just feel good about cycling however quick you are. As for supplements, for that distance I'd say it's more about healthy eating and drinking plenty of water.


New Member
Thanks for that

Maybe i should have a couple of rest days a week as i also joined a gym and swim for an hour a day and then half hour in the gym.

Also seem to have got achilles tendanitis (bad spelling). ah perhaps the fags, latte's and the car were better for me


Formerly just_fixed
have you made sure that nothing is rubbing / binding / broken on the bike? tyre pressures the same? tbh 3 miles isn't far and you shouldn't be suffering on a ride that short. have you had your well man clinic checkup? the one we're supposed to have regular once we hit our forties.


Legendary Member
don't force high gears, sit and spin in low gears is the way forwards and never give up even if you have to get off and push that is why it is called a "push bike" :rolleyes:


Canyon Aeroad CF 7.0 Di2
I recenty asked a similar question and received some excellent advice.....


I noticed after 3 or 4 days it did get much easier and I have been out most days for the last 10 days since I got the bike

I would say its important to have a rest day though as yesterday I really struggled on the route I have been using to build up my fitness and today I feel completely worn out, so I have given it a miss today


Senior Member
I would say its important to have a rest day

Blimey, I have rest weeks !


Well-Known Member
go and do 10+ mile rides in your free time, it will make 3 miles feel like a warm up so you won't worry about it any more :biggrin:


Thanks for that

Maybe i should have a couple of rest days a week as i also joined a gym and swim for an hour a day and then half hour in the gym.

Also seem to have got achilles tendanitis (bad spelling). ah perhaps the fags, latte's and the car were better for me

You are not doing the swimming and gym every day, are you? If so then that is probably why you are struggling. There is only so much hammering your body can take.

I'm ten years younger than you, and there is no way I could work out i the gym on a daily basis and cycle to work without being worn out after a few weeks max (admittedly my commute is a little over three times longer).


Basically, your rides are too short to have much of an impact on your fitness. You need to put in some longer rides, if need be at a lower intensity, and persevere for a couple of months. You should then see improvements.

Also it will help you if you change your mindset. Embrace the pain of the uphill section, and think of the good you are doing your body.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
3 miles - 20-25 minutes - eek and 44. Who ever said 44 was old is getting a smack. I'm 42 in a few months.

When you get fit, that 3 miles will be done in not much more than 10 minutes. Practice and training.

TBH, as it's 3 miles, I'd make a loop to get it up to 10 miles each way. If the weather is really bad (-25 and 6 foot of snow) then you could ride the 3 miles in. 1 foot of snow and -15 is not bad weather - it's another challenge.

As said before, never easier, you get faster = FACT !
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