Where are you riding this weekend?

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New Member
I've had a quiet few weeks following the Fred Whitton and the White Rose Classic. Its been partly the need for a break , but also the bad weather, but my weekly mileage has halved since early June!
Its time to start getting the miles in again ready for my September sportive rides. I intend to get out for 60 or 70 mile round South Lakes, and get back in again to watch the Tour in the afternoon.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Did a 50K ride this morning in the sun with temps of 35 deg C, now have a red and sore head as didn't take a hat with me to keep off the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just come back from my usual 75 miles in Northumbria, but it's going to be no cycling for two weeks from Wednesday as I'll be in Japan sans bike...


New Member
Billericay, Ingatestone, Mountnessing, Blackmore, Ongar, kelvadon hatch, pilgrims hatch, brentwood, herongate, dunton, home...took me two hours this morning....my computer packed up so i have no idea how long that was....but I'd hazard a guess iro of 35-40 km ish....so not a world beating time again but I probably lost another millimetre off the old waistline & for me that's what counts. :blush:
My old stamping ground, Bigtallfatbloke. I know those roads very well and used to ride them regularly till I moved away six years ago. I miss the flat terrain, but not the traffic.

I was in Hornchurch, where abouts are you?


Über Member
nickwill said:
I've had a quiet few weeks following the Fred Whitton and the White Rose Classic. Its been partly the need for a break , but also the bad weather, but my weekly mileage has halved since early June!
Its time to start getting the miles in again ready for my September sportive rides. I intend to get out for 60 or 70 mile round South Lakes, and get back in again to watch the Tour in the afternoon.

Know what you mean. After the WRC and Ryedale Rumble the need to get the miles in has disappeared and the weather has been pants. Plan to go down Bilsdale tomorrow to Hawnby and over Snilsworth Moor to Osmotherly. All in the NY Moors. In-laws are coming round for BBQ lunch so will have to be out early. Hopefully they won't stay too long so I can watch the tour in peace :blush:
just had a quiet ride out to the cafe at gargrave. i'd just done our clubs 200 mile standard ride on fixed last week and 3 of the others had just got back from 1100 mile in 2 week tour over france taking in the ventoux so we took it nice and easy. reasonably fine weather with a bit of that strange thing called sunshine thrown in.there was a lot of flood damage and debris to be seen though.


New Member
I normally do between 50-60 miles on a Saturday but got sidetracked by a number of other things.....damn... so only nipped out for a 20 miler.
Managed my fastest ever average speed. 21.1mph. I've been trying for months to get over the 20mph average but have finally done it. Hurrah.


New Member
H Smokinjoe...I'm Basildon way. ...but for some weird reason I prefer Blackmore :blush: :rolleyes:
Did the BHF Gower ride today, much better weather than the recce I did a few weeks ago. And as a bonus I met a cousin who I hadn't seen in years half way round the route!

Wasn't very quick though as we had to chaperon a rider who'd had a stroke 4 months ago but has almost made a complete recovery. Thank god for HRM's!


I agree, I need some motivation to get back onto the bike. I spent the weekend in London watching the TdF. Hopefully, if the weather is 1/2 decent, I will get some miles in around Beverley this weekend.


New Member
Went for a nice ride up the Duddon Valley on Sunday and over Wrynose. Problem was, the bloody freehub went on the tandem so we couldn't freewheel (ever tried riding 'fixed' on a tandem!) and we ended up pedalling DOWN Wrynose Pass.
Ahh the smell of burning brake pads.

giant man

New Member
Essex innit?
Bigtallfatbloke said:
H Smokinjoe...I'm Basildon way. ...but for some weird reason I prefer Blackmore :blush: :rolleyes:
Yes Blackmore is nice isn't it, love riding round that way. I am from Ongar so good route for me, chelmsford and writtle also. :thumbsup:
Boundary Breeze triathlon.

I predict a sh*te swim cos I'm sh*te, a bike leg where hopefully I can pass lots of people who went past me on the swim but who aren't that good on a bike, a run leg where most of them go back past me again because I've got a hip injury and will be taking it easy.

I don't care if I'm near the back, so long as I do a decent bike leg !
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