Why do American cyclists...

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Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
The North of England's still on a separate planet (and still in the 70's)...
Yes, but now we see that as a good thing. Back them we felt sort of odd or well.... even slightly backwards.

Everything seemed so new and exciting over there: Being able to buy food to eat in the car that wasn't either fish and chips or your Mum's sandwiches. Being able to buy shorts that weren't either ex army, football or cut off jeans. There were refrigerators in houses bigger than our err.. house. Shops that opened on a Sunday and some till 11 at night! Boy, we couldn't wait for it all to come pouring over the Atlantic.

But now it's all around us it doesn't seem so glittery or attractive anymore. Somehow those days here when you had different beers in pubs as you travelled around seems a good idea. Everywhere you climbed in the UK used to be associated with a differently brewery. But boy, how we grumbled about not being able to get Hartleys in N Wales, for example. We never thought we would see the day when you could get Boddingtons the world over. Now we wish you can't.

But at least that air kissing and hugging complete strangers nonsense never made it here.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Is the north of England still in the 70s?! If so, I need a monotone TV and a Ford Cortina. I haven't lived in the SE since 1988 but my only impression is it looks smaller these days.

I have been back to London once or twice but usually just flit round it on the M25 before making a quick exit via Dover.


nothing in moderation
Tim Bennet. said:
The common American name I have the most problem with is 'Randy'.
when i freelanced at mbna bank there was a chap on the internal phone list called randy blackman. i don't know if he was either of those things, but i assume he was a yank. as, i hope, was pinki kuntz :thumbsup::ohmy:


New Member
alecstilleyedye said:
when i freelanced at mbna bank there was a chap on the internal phone list called randy blackman. i don't know if he was either of those things, but i assume he was a yank. as, i hope, was pinki kuntz :thumbsup::ohmy:

We had a Canadian come over on secondment. In a department meeting he stood up and introduced himself saying "Hi, I'm Randy!" and everyone burst into hysterics. He always announced himself by his full name after that.

Also whilst trawling though the email directory I came across an American Director called Barbara Wankoff. I hope for her sakes she never makes it to the UK!
Let's not forget probably the most manificently-monickered cyclist of all time...nineties Brazilian pro Wanderley Magalhaes.

Edit: I just found out while googling his name just now, that he died of cancer in March 2006, aged 39.

I feel quite sad now.
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