Why it's important to opt in to the politics and current affairs forum

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
"It would be much easier to tackle fake news if people talked about it with people around them who would be likely to disagree with them." Sean Whitton: reclaiming conversation - https://spwhitton.name//blog/entry/reclaiming_conversation/

99% of us are here because we like cycling to some extent. We don't even all cycle for the same reasons. This site isn't often prioritising what it shows you, so you're more likely to see a range of views and not the echo chamber of the big social sites. A few off topic forums on sites like this are a valuable public service. Opt in today!


Legendary Member
Not for me, thank you. I've no great issue with political discussion, it's the inevitable playground insults and cowardly name calling that keep me out of there.


Good question! It's not spelt out in any of the announcements or sticky posts.

The answer is buried in the eleventh page of a licked thread using the board's previous name: https://www.cyclechat.net/threads/scp-blocked-for-non-opt-inners.214066/post-4680466

So apparently, it's to avoid people inadvertently getting involved in political discussions, before they are fully mentally prepared for the horror that awaits them. The 'nanny state' is upon us....


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
So apparently, it's to avoid people inadvertently getting involved in political discussions, before they are fully mentally prepared for the horror that awaits them. The 'nanny state' is upon us....
It's important newbs don't realise we're all wingnuts and autocrats, else how will we get anyone joining so we can convert them? ;)

Tin Pot

This site isn't often prioritising what it shows you, so you're more likely to see a range of views and not the echo chamber of...

This is a joke right, you've been in SC&P right?

They haven't got the foggiest on how, or slightest inclination, to debate.

It's a congregation of elderly bigots yelling at each other.

That's it.

Range of views? Are you kidding!!

Your OP is fake news...
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