Why it's important to opt in to the politics and current affairs forum

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It looks to me as if the baying packs of Guardian readers who regard the politics section as Their Territory have got bored with their current prey targets and are looking for fresh meat to enliven their 'sport'.
An alternative perspective - the Alt-Righters have run out of ideas? Not that they had that many to begin with :whistle:.
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Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Some on here would find "rain is wet" divisive.
And your proof is?


They are only proliferating because Shaun is absent again.
I've been absent for a week to support my wife (and her family) after receiving some bad news about her sister.

The politics forum is opt-in to make participation an active choice. It is advertised to new members in the welcome personal message; signposted in the Café and Support forums; referenced in the FAQs; and, as of this morning, is now displayed to registered members in the list of forums (with a message and link to the opt-in). Moderators will also point people to it when political discussion is started elsewhere on CycleChat.

Opting-in is not difficult. 250+ members have already done so – but if participation levels are not as high as some of you might expect, look at how you can be a part of encouraging more people to join in:
  • Discuss, don’t insult.
  • Accept that everyone has different life and career experiences, education, lifestyle and the vocabulary to express themselves. Be patient and understanding rather than rude and condescending, and politely ask for clarification if you are unsure of anything posted.
  • Give other members freedom to express their views, however opposed they may be to your own … and where you feel someone’s views are abhorrent / inappropriate – report it, leave it, and let the moderators deal with it (rather than creating pages of additional posts that later need removing).
I don’t want to see any more threads in the Café about the politics forum. If you want to talk politics, do it in the politics forum. If you want to invite someone to talk politics, send them a personal message with a link (if they can’t figure out how to opt-in ask them to post in the support forum) - and if you want to see more activity in the politics forum, just make your replies thoughtful, substantial and not personal.

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