Why it's important to opt in to the politics and current affairs forum

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Deleted member 26715

I like to read others' thoughts
Do you do this by telepathy?

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
You mean
"unionist b*stards"
"nobbers" ?

You see, we have been paying attention. Were there any others?

You forgot "Scum", "Cowardly Scum" etc


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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Mine don't....
:wahhey:I knew I was right


[QUOTE 4707087, member: 9609"]Although Ghettos somehow seem quite appropriate for extremists.

Why not advertise on other parts of CC for new meat participants - Supporters of The Donald, Democracy & Brexit all welcome for fun and games - lure them in, butter them up then ambush them.

Come to think of it,quite a few have ventured into there over the years never to be seen again , Yellow Tim, Smurfy, Dim, three entirely different individuals all who went in never to be seen again.[/QUOTE]
You now seem to be equating political consciousness with extremism. Which, not coincidentally, demonstrates my point.
I think it was primarily because the forum alt-Righters didn't like having their prejudices challenged and kept complaining to the moderators. I think some people also think that their views *have to* be respected.... they don't.

On the whole, I find the standard of discussion on 'Politics and Current Affairs' comparable or better than in some other parts of the forum. Some of the nastiest comments I've seen have been in the Cafe and the General Cycling Discussions threads.

Considering that you had posts removed on numerous occasions for unacceptable content and genital references I think that your post is a little disingenuous
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