wish me luck…

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nothing in moderation
tonight i have the appeal hearing for getting my daughter into the high school she wants to go to. we're as prepared as we can be, and it's now down to presenting it well and hoping that the panel aren't hell bent on letting in no-one.

special thanks to surfgurl for her help and advice :tongue:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
fingers crossed for you...


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
I know of a friend who had to appeal to get her Daughter into the Infant School she wanted her to go to... she was refused initially (even though she was in the catchment area) but finally got a place when someone else changed their minds...

The Mother was a Governor at the School and her Daughter went to the Nursery which the School ran!!!

Hope yours goes better than that!

(sorry if I've depressed you) :tongue:


Legendary Member
Why not offer to donate to the new science block or something?



nothing in moderation
User3094 said:
g'luck Alecs.

tempted to ask which school, but discretion is the better part of valour and all that.

fallibroome high school, macclesfield.

thanks for the support folks, i'll bore you with how it went tomorrow…;)


nothing in moderation
User76 said:
Well good luck if thats what you want.

Although, personally, I think that appealing these decisions is inherently wrong. Schools have procedures which they should follow, if they are not following them fine, appeal. Otherwise I think that children, and their parents, need to learn that sometimes the rub of the green goes against you in life. Will you be appealing if she doesn't get into the right Uni, or gets turned down for the right job etc etc? She could learn a big lesson in life from this situation, instead she is learning to moan and make a fuss. I want I want........

i can't go into details, but suffice to say if you saw the arguments against her getting a place, you'd give it a go. it's a case of us doing our best for our daughter wile we still have a chance. she knows perfectly well that we may not win, and understands the situation. as each case is judged on its own merits, it's not a case of us taking a place from a more deserving candidate.


nothing in moderation
User3094 said:
aye - i know it. couple of our guys went there.

it could be worse, it could be All Hallows ;) <shudders>

all hallows is our nearest school, geographically, but we didn't even put it on the form, not being catholics.

the appeal was quite a congenial affair, not the "no prisoners taken" engagement that some people have experienced. clueless as to whether we've been successful though.


Oh that's a bugger, alecetc. In any case, I hope she ends up enjoying the school she goes to, and the company of friends.
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