Womens cycling tights

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New Member

I have been out today for my third proper cycle ride and thought I might have to get of and push my saddle sore was so bad
. I was wearing cycle trousers which I thought were ok but was chastised for wearing cheap ones!

Any female riders able to give me tips on what to look for when buying, or a reputable make??


Well-Known Member
Have a look at

- I've got various jerseys (as a bloke) in both men's and women's (from some years ago when the womens fit was more general) and it's very well made stuff. You'd probably have to get it mail-order, it's a bit difficult to track down shops with it (at least, here in the south east).


Cycling Excusiast
Hi Loops

My personal preferences are DHB (wiggle website)
Endura and Mavic shorts.

Look for decent thicker padding, a slightly wider waistband so it doesn't cut into you and basically try them for fit. You do pay more for ones that fit better.

If you do a search on the forum (look on the top left of the page) you'll find a lot of threads with advice about women's shorts!

Nothing worse than a sore arse!


Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.

I have been out today for my third proper cycle ride and thought I might have to get of and push my saddle sore was so bad
. I was wearing cycle trousers which I thought were ok but was chastised for wearing cheap ones!

Any female riders able to give me tips on what to look for when buying, or a reputable make??

I wear Mavic Athena ones, which help greatly. I also have some pearl iszumi shorts. Very comfy.
Then I wear lidl tights over the top.
Can I recommend sudocrem in the meantime :-)

I have some pearl Izumi shorts that I quite like and some Briko tights that are great - the padding is thick and wide, not great for walking about but v comfy on the bike. I actually wear a skirt over my tights - covers the arse with no extra seams! Also maybe gets you a bit more room from drivers than all out roadie kit IME.


Legendary Member
I like Pearl Izumi (I have 3/4 and shorts) but also have some very nice Gore tights which were an eBay bargain. I also got some Sugoi ones in the CycleSurgery sale which I have yet to wea as they are thicker. Being on the larger size :blush:, DHB are no good to me

If you can, best get to a good sized LBS and try a few pairs on - Evans have decent choice. They do seem to vary a bit :smile:
I think you basically get what you pay for unfortunately Loops, so if you are planning to do lots of miles splashing out on a good pair of tights (I find 3/4 most versatile) is a very worthwile investment - especially if you can find last season's stuff on sale!


Proud Daddy
Sports direct (shop and online) have some muddyfox ones at only £12 (in shop) or £9 (online). Both my gf and I have bought some and their great!!!
No need to spend a fortune.


Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.
Sports direct (shop and online) have some muddyfox ones at only £12 (in shop) or £9 (online). Both my gf and I have bought some and their great!!!
No need to spend a fortune.

I do find the cheaper ones lead to umm.....downstairs lady infections though....


Legendary Member
What's the best type of underwear to use under cycling shorts/tights? Commando which all the boys seem keen on, so isn't for me - what if I have an accident and end up in hospital!! :wacko:


Legendary Member
If you believe that SportsDirect would ever have sold those shorts for £35 in more than one store than more than half an hour... :whistle:

I couldn't do Commando, sorry, no :wacko:
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