Woollen cycling jerseys

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Smutmaster General
Anyone wear one? I had a great one in the early 80s, but I only got it cos I saw Paul Weller wearing one on the telly, and I wanted to look like him, but I looked like someone who'd lost his bike, and when friends started putting beer glasses in the rear pockets when I wore it to the pub I changed my mind about wearing it in public and I wasn't even cycling regularly in those days, so I was just a bit of a fashion victim, and doubly so cos it didn't even suit me. Deep breath... anyway, now I actually cycle a lot, I'd like to get one, and wear it on the bike. So, are they better than lycra? :smile:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Better - at keeping you comfy over a wider range of temperatures, at not getting whiffy really quickly.

Worse - at being easy to wash (they really aren't, and can end up being a funny shape if you're not careful how you dry them).

I reviewed Descente's "Retro" merino jersey a bit ago, if you're interested.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Just a few of mine:




Got about another seven.

I must have over 20 lycra tops that I don't bother wearing. I prefer retro.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
mr Mag00 said:
what is it with retro cycling in all elements bikes and clothing?
Myself, I've always liked and had the old tops.
Also, I had my first "fixed" bike about 28 yrs ago, it was an Eddy Mercx.

People now assume I'm following the latest fashion. :smile:


Senior Member
Mr Phoebus said:
Just a few of mine:




Got about another seven.

I must have over 20 lycra tops that I don't bother wearing. I prefer retro.

I have one of the Raleigh ones. Apparently it was pilferred from the actual Raleigh team by a US pro when they were racing over in the states, it was given to me as a present a few years back by a guy I know from Texas.

It's too good to actually wear on the bike.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I picked up a merino wool Descente one recently after a tip off on Clothing & Accessories foor £30. It's got a lovely feel to it.


New Member
I can't wear wool directly next to my skin. Ick, ick, ick... So I'm afraid it's the modern synthetic fabrics for me.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Noodley, you are a man of good taste, evidently.

Waffly, there's a Belgian company that do lots of the vintage jerseys in modern fabrics, (TVX, I think, which is the stuff Vermarc use). I saw their stuff on the Ronde shop - the Weils Groene Leeuw is one of them...
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