Work Spouses

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Legendary Member
Not a work one but, I used to go out running regularly with a neighbour who was also in our running club, and it got to the stage where Mrs stephec called her my running wife.

Now though we've had a divorce as I regularly run with another female member of the club, so I have a new running wife.

Luckily both of my running wives are friends of Mrs stephec as well.


Cynical idealist
In my experience many NHS staff have work spouses. I've had a few, remarkable people that I wouldn't have met in any other sphere of life.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Definitely, I had a work husband (Michiel) for 5 years up until very recently, my wife and daughter referred to him as that, as did I. We were wedded to each other by having similar and very closely related roles in the same region, but also a genuine like and respect for each other.

We then had a work "trial separation" last year after he inadvertently shat on me in an effort to curry favour with our boss, before we finally had a work divorce when he moved to another department last month.

I think I'd describe our relationship now as "cordial". But yes, he was once my work husband.


Legendary Member
On that front, I've been a polygamist for several decades, with at least two main 'wives'.

We've shared births, deaths, divorces and more. It's quite a privilege.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
It's quite common in the building trade where older, experienced workers mentor the new starts and stay friends for many years. Referred to as "work dads"
I have a brass band husband. We met when I became friends with his wife on the school run. I found out he played the trombone and persuaded him to join the local town band with me. Our kids were also learning although his gave up at the end of primary school. We have played in the same bands for many years and although we currently play for different ones we regularly help each other’s bands out and still meet up very regularly.
He also cycles but we’ve only been out together once as he is much faster and better than me!


The Glue that binds us together.
I have a drinking wife:cheers: Two ridings wives :bicycle:Plus the one i married, they are all good mates.:okay:
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