Would these five changes help cyclists?

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Senior Member
North London
The only time I feel completely safe on the road is when I'm holding the lane and can hear a patient driver sitting behind me.


Rural Kent
I disagre. I a person cannot see another person, that is a fair test of unfitness to be in control of a vehicle.
Well I'd better give up cycling then.


Über Member
FWIW Here are my thoughts
1 - helmets - m/cyclists lost the debate and so will cyclists, end of story, no point crying about it.
2 - hi vis - some kind of hi vis colours/stripes/flashes break up the outline and do stand out, even in daytime. Just wearing plain yellow is almost as bad as plain black. At night reflective strips really do work
3 - finally just always blaming the motorist is a dead end the only thing that will REALLY improve cyclists safety is if EVERYBODY [and yes that includes cyclists] followed the highway code and the rules. Accidents don't just happen they are caused and it is seldom 100% one way blame


Old enough to know better, too old to care!
My opinion
Helmets- No (but let's not get onto that here)
High viz- No. The problem is largely not the (in)visibility of cyclists but lack of attention by drivers. Come and talk to me about high-viz once every motor vehicle on the road has been painted the colour of a Post-It note!
Banning headphones - They can have my headphones once every radio, CD player, mp3 player and the like has been removed from every motor vehicle in the land along with the soundproof seals which isolate drivers from the nasty world outside.
Primary position - Damn right, whenever necessary and Mr Toad tooting his horn behind me can f@%$ right off.
Highway code - A working knowledge of the relevant bits is not unreasonable for all road users but most of what you need to know is simply common sense and the, sadly highly visible, minority who ignore the code generally have none.
Flash or steady - I use both, back and front but see my point about high viz.

In general any measures aimed at cyclists are just fiddling around the edges until the main source of danger,i.e. poor driving is addressed.
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