Would you believe it?

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Cycling into town just now, up Skeldergate, where there are 2 pinch points, one with priority one way, one the other.

First one, I have priority, oncoming Tesco van stops and waits and we exchange smiles and nods.

Second one, I don't have priority, and car is oncoming, so I slow and pull left a bit, and the car flashes me to come on anyway, waits and we exchange smiles and nods!

Must be because the sun's out...:wacko:


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
You did remember to dress yourself today, didn't you Arch? :wacko:
NO ... they all read ARCH's traffic rant earlier in the week and decided to excercise caution.

Or, it could be seeing the sun for a change.

Still daylight and I'm almost ready to leave the office and head home.


Lover of things that come in 3's
weird I've had that sort of courtesy a lot, they maybe regret giving me right of way when they realise how slow I am though:biggrin:

Then today, I'm just back from the shops, on the way there I make a right turn where there is a hatched feeder bit in the middle, for right turn only. As I approach this point I'm aware of an agressive car behind, I do the full look back ,make eye contact etc. At this point I'm plum centre of the lane, having already indicated to turn right. As I move across to enter the hatching she decides she can't wait and overtakes me on the outside??????????? She could easily have gone past me on the inside by this point. Fortunately didn't do any harm as I'd 'sensed' she might do something...just strange and pointless.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Sh4rkyBloke said:
You did remember to dress yourself today, didn't you Arch? :biggrin:


Yes, I did.

MacB - pointless, yes, strange, alas, not so much...

It is nice to still be light at 5ish
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