Would you ride this road?

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New Member
Okay well as the title is really.


Well this is the road I drive along to work and have now decided I can't afford petrol and want to get fit so biking seams to be the best option. Thing is I'm a little worried riding along this road. I would be next to the river and is a busy 60mph road. Do you lot think it's alright of stupid? The road also turns from there and goes to a long 2 mile straight afterwards a little up the road.

I could take a different route which is this way but the road is also bad and is a 60mph road. It's about 4 miles longer as well so maybe have to build up to it first.


It's just I don't want to have to drive somewhere and leave my car every day, I guess all I can do is go and try it one day and see how I feel. Maybe I could bike the second route and then come back along the river when im the other side of the road

Mad at urage

New Member
From the Google pictures I see no reason not to ride it. Sight lines are good, drivers should be able to see cyclists well in advance and most drivers do overtake 'reasonably' (if not entirely abiding by HC 'best practice'). Much depends on the local driving culture, but cyclists ride along many miles of such road, all year.
Both roads look good to me, particularly the first B road but you'll know better than me what the traffic conditions are like, the B road will tend to be better but that might not always be the case. Give it a go on a hopefully quieter Sunday to familiarise your self with the route, although you know it well by car it'll be very different on bike. Then gradually ease yourself in cycling one day the car the next until you feel you want to do it only by bike. Good Luck.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Yeah I would, you could always wear a lifejacket if worried about the river :thumbsup:


Über Member
I'd ride it but get one of those helmet mounted mirrors and look in it every so often, and when a car comes, look into the driver's eyes. It's a fast & narrow road so there is always potential for somebody bombing down it and not being able to stop in time.

I would ride it but be aware of your surroundings and be cautious.


New Member
Yeah I know some people do ride the first B road as I pass the odd people but I know the road is bumpy and being a 60 people think it's safe to drive that fast when it really is not. It's a pretty narrow road as well and when you get a lorry or bus down there it can be a nightmare at best. I think I will ride it one evening or something and see how I feel. I think the second road would be safer but alot longer plus later on the route there is a road much like this one. AHH! I hate living in such a shitty area for bike routes, no paths or anything for us cyclist
There's a similar road on a trip to my parents. I ride it all the time and it's never even entered my head that I'll end up in the river. Granted you get people passing you at speed but because the sight lines are so good they've never been "seat of your pants" close! I'd go for it.

Bristol Dave

Active Member
The roads aside it will take a while for your confidence level to increase if you're a newby. There are stretches of road I ride that were very scary when I started out 3 years ago but now I think nothing of using. As others have written, awareness of the likely problems and your skill at responding to them are key to deciding which route to take.

Personally I would love a river ride rather than the urban jungle I ride (I pass a major rubbish tip most mornings!).



Evidence based cyclist
Looks OK. Depending on your bike, you could come off here and follow the river. Looks pretty.
If the first one is the road I think it is I've ridden it several times during the week and at weekends. It wasn't in rush hour but it was fine, I'd put some bright colours on though as people do drive fast along it.


New Member
Looks OK. Depending on your bike, you could come off here and follow the river. Looks pretty.

Unfortuntuly that part is only a little layby to which lorrys park up to sleep over night and such and doesn't have a route off.. I did look for a offroad route to take but I simply can't find one or don't know of it yet :sad:

I should add actually that all the trees along the side of the river have now been cut down and is a clear view over. the bends towards the end still block the view a little but not as bad now. Has deffenutly made the road better. The long streach afterwards I have known people to hit 100 down and if they didn't move over would be 'shoot on the seat' moments :tongue:

I think I might have to give it a try in a week or so once I know I can bike that distance as only have a mountine bike.


New Member
It Is :tongue:

I should also add I will be riding it about 7 in the morning and coming home about 5 by the time I get to that road. So it will be before rush hour in the morning but hitting rush hour in the evening!
I have ridden along that road on a charity ride and a weekend evening. Don't know what it's like during commuter hours on a bike, in a car you must have noticed the speeds...I have! I think some cars have gone in the ditch from what I remember.

I cycle one the other side of Earith and avoid those 60mph roads during commuter times if possible. People seem in a real hurry to shave 10 seconds off their journey at my expense. Not nice roads in the wind either as they are sooo open.
Only one way to find out!

There is the guided bus route(there is a little country track to Rampton off the GB route....then off to Cottenham?) if you want to take a bigger detour! (but mostly traffic free) Never tried it but looks like you might be able to get to Over via some of Long Homle drove near the Earith/ Shelford Rd junction.
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