York Cycle Rally & Festival 2024 -21-23 June

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Can anyone describe what sort of size York Festival is and do any of the bike companies display there?

I don't know anyone who has been and I wonder what the good aspects of it are and if it will be worth the trip to it at some point (wrong end of country for me). Is it more social or business?

Also, are there similar festivals in other parts of UK or is York the only one?


York, UK
In answer to a few comments above...
  • Yes, all three events which make up the Festival are 100% volunteer organised and the whole thing is entirely self funded. More volunteers are always welcome on the organising team as it does take an incredible amount of work to make this happen :-). Also, all are welcome at our planning meetings. The next is this Saturday (6th April) at St Chad's Church Hall, Campleshon Road, York from 10:30AM. Message me if you would like to join online.
  • Sorry some people weren't happy when they attended. If this happens PLEASE talk to someone on the organising team at the event ASAP and we'll do our very best to make things better. Even negative feedback is genuinely welcome as we can try to make the next event better.
  • About the scale of the event - see e.g. drone photos from a few years ago here (still fairly representative I think - although there's a whole section of campsite beyond the image shown below) and traders at past events are listed here (we'll update with the 2024 list shortly).
  • For 2024 we hope the event will be even bigger and better supported by the trade - we've made exhibiting free of charge as part of linking the original York Rally up with the Retrobike Show and National Clarion CC's Summer Meet to create the Festival. Grasstrack racing will be back for 2024 after being absent for a few years, which is also great.
Also this may be useful to get an idea of the York Rally which the Festival will build on:


IMGP2447 - IMGP2453.jpg

York campsite 2 - photo by mike-handley.jpg
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Über Member
Can anyone describe what sort of size York Festival is and do any of the bike companies display there?

I don't know anyone who has been and I wonder what the good aspects of it are and if it will be worth the trip to it at some point (wrong end of country for me). Is it more social or business?

Also, are there similar festivals in other parts of UK or is York the only one?

I'd not come from the other end of the country for this, its not worth it. Only if you live locally and there's nothing better to do. The rides are nice but the event itself is rubbish. All it is, is little kids riding round tracks and people selling odds and sods they cant get rid of otherwise.
More social, elderly people in the main.


We've been but not since covid and it's a pretty laid back affair. It all depends what you want to get out of going and what parts of the program of events and talks appeal. They have somethings in the evening for ones stying over. Keep an eye on the website for updates. This year is billed as being bigger as other parts have been added. The rides are worth a go if you've never been to York or the surrounding area. The one I went on was a nice ride out and full of a friendly bunch of riders.
I would say it's not worth a trip up for just a day. Combined with a long weekend stay in York or surrounding area. With a visit as part f the stay would be a better idea.

It's all volunteer lead and on the whole I'd say it's not too bad. Anyone who thinks they can do batter can always join the committee. i've been around many volunteer and community lead events. It's hard work and it's surprising how many morn but don't put the effort in.

abcd efg

Über Member
I was at the Rally last year and had a super time. There were lots of interesting people to chat with, bikes to examine. some interesting trade exhibitors and, as well, some fascinating guest speakers. I was only on one of the many rides, but it was good fun with plenty of people sharing it. I can't comment on the Friday night bands - I made a point of missing them - but others did say they had a good time. I didn't camp but stayed in a hotel so can't comment on the camp grounds and other facilities.

One of the reasons last year's Rally was so successful was because the volunteers who did all the heavy lifting did a first class job. They were always available to answer questions, point you in the right direction and generally do all they could to be helpful. It wasn't a slick professional event. It was a gentle happening organised by some lovely people who were anxious to do the very best they could.

This year, the Rally, now rebranded as the York Cycle Festival 2024, will offer even more. The Clarion Cycle Club, one of the oldest in the country, will be organising the return of grass track racing - always a great spectacle. The Retro Bike Show is another new event. Audax rides are returning and so on.
It wasn't a slick professional event. It was a gentle happening organised by some lovely people who were anxious to do the very best they could.

Sounds really nice. I wish something like that was 'down our end!" Many thanks to anyone who volunteers or organises to help cycle events.

I used to go to Bespoked (at Bristol) each year, not a festival but full of lovely things and interesting conversations. It seems to have roamed off out of reach now, which is a shame.


York, UK
Just to add that the weather looks perfect - please do come along! Directions to the event are here or just use satnav YO23 1EX.

Advance campsite bookings are now closed, but if you haven’t pre-booked you are still very welcome to just turn up and check in to the campsite on the day. Full prices and details are on the website.

And of course if you come just for the day, entry, rides and activities are completely free!

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York, UK
If you think it should be cheaper you are welcome to come to any of our meetings and look over the accounts - we are 100% volunteer run and operating on a not for profit basis. We keep the event as affordable as possible to stay financially viable, in the face of constant price increases. In case it is not obvious, the camping fees pay for the site hire, the hired-in loos and showers (which are included), the marquees, the fire extinguishers, skips and recycling, the event insurance, the live music (three bands) and probably loads more I've forgotten. Last time I looked that adds up to well over £20,000 which we have to raise each year to keep it going. There are other smaller income streams (trade show etc) but our main income is the campsite fees.

It's also cheaper if you book well in advance (it started at £28 for three nights). We'd be interested to know if any comparable event can beat £35 for three nights.

After I and a dozen or so unpaid volunteer organisers have worked countless unpaid hours to put this event on for no personal benefit (other than being there and seeing people enjoy it), and even incurring personal costs (e.g. travel to meetings, which none of the organising team claim back), it's not exactly pleasant or fair to be called "robbing sods".

This is also all clearly stated on our website:

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Über Member
I’ll be there (dental issues permitting) & looking forward to it.
Some of us, at least, appreciate all the FREE hard work put in. I’m sure we don’t know the half of it.


I’ll be there (dental issues permitting) & looking forward to it.
Some of us, at least, appreciate all the FREE hard work put in. I’m sure we don’t know the half of it.

Or just how much you have to pay to now to camp on even the most basic of sites. Try finding a site within walk distance of York for what they charge. You wont find one, the only other one is Caravan and Motorhome Club site next door. They charge per person , just looked and for two on 21st is over £50 alone.
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