Yorkshire jam cake

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
wafflycat said:
Then it's not a Yorkshire speciality I'm afraid! It's a fairly common way of using up left-over bits of pastry when homebaking. When I grew up & was seeing my mother/aunts/family friends bake it was a normal way to minimise waste & maximise edible food. And we aren't Yorkshire folk.

We used to use them to make a sort of jam filled pasty. Mind you, that was after we'd played with rolling it out, cutting out shapes, and re-rolling it all for a bit, so the pastry was usually a bit grey by the time it got baked...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
oh, now, all I can think about is how long it'll be before I can make rice krispie buns with Oli. His spoon control really isn't up to it yet.


wafflycat said:
Then it's not a Yorkshire speciality I'm afraid! It's a fairly common way of using up left-over bits of pastry when homebaking. When I grew up & was seeing my mother/aunts/family friends bake it was a normal way to minimise waste & maximise edible food. And we aren't Yorkshire folk.

Yeah, my mum used to make those. And she's from London!


The misses has just shown me the recipe from an old M&S cookbook. No mention of it being a leftover pastry cake, it's described as being like a strawberry shortcake but with jam.
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